Supplementary Data 5: Questions for the post-cohort survey to mentors

Supplementary Data 5: Questions for the post-cohort survey to mentors#

This is the post-cohort survey for Open Seeds. If you have mentored more than one project, you should send separate responses for each of them.

Your responses will be kept confidential. You can edit your response until 10 days after you have submitted your response.

  • Indicates required question

GDPR statement *#

The information provided in this form will be shared as it is only with the OLS organisers to help them assess the impact of our program. All the information collected will be used towards improving our program for our participants. A summary will be shared in a blog post by removing any identifiable information. The results of this form could be shared anonymously (with all free-text answers removed before sharing) for research purpose (optional). If you do not agree to share these answers, your entire response will be removed before sharing

  • I understand and I accept to share your answers anonymously

  • I understand and I do not agree to share my answers

Email address*#


Please provide the name of your mentee(s) *#

Please provide the project name of your mentees*#

Sorry for asking two questions about this! It makes it much easier to correctly match up results when we invite mentees back as mentors

How were your overall mentorship training and support experience in Open Seeds?*#

  • I felt supported as a mentor and the training offered in the Open Seeds was adequate

  • I felt supported as a mentor but the training offered in the Open Seeds can be improved

  • I enjoyed my participation and did not find the experience overwhelming

  • I found the mentorship responsibilities overwhelming

  • I did not feel supported as a mentor

  • Other:

What expectations from the OLS program were met and where can we do better?#

How was your overall experience with the mentoring calls with your mentee? *#

  • Mentoring calls were not structured or constructive

  • Mentoring calls were somewhat constructive

  • Mentoring calls were mostly constructive

  • Mentoring calls were always constructive

If you followed the cohort calls (notes or videos), which of the following topics introduced in these cohort calls were useful for you?#

  • Tooling and Roadmapping (open canvas, project vision, etc.)

  • Licensing and Code of Conduct

  • GitHub and README files

  • Project development: Agile and iterative project management methods & Open Aspects

  • Knowledge Dissemination: Preprints, Training and Code Publishing

  • Data management plans, software citation

  • Citizen Science

  • Diversity and Inclusion

  • Mountain of engagement and Community interactions

  • Persona and pathways and inviting contributions

  • Mental health, self care, personal ecology

  • Ally skills

  • Open Leadership: Career Guidance call

  • Open office/co-working hours and social calls

  • Final presentation rehearsals

  • Final presentation call (open and live streamed)

  • Other:

Can you think of a topic that we did not share in our program with the cohort members and mentors that could be useful for Open Science projects and leaders?#

Please share how you would define success for you as a mentor and for your mentee as an Open Science leader in the OLS program. *#

Would you be happy for us to you publish your success statement from the previous question on the OLS website? *#

  • Yes

  • No

  • Other:

Would you be interested in returning to the OLS-8 as a mentor, expert, project lead or facilitator?*#

More about mentoring:; more about being an expert:; more about our new steering committee:

  • Yes, I’d like to return as a mentor

  • Yes, I’d like to return as an expert

  • Yes, I’d like to return as a collaborator to run this program in my network

  • Yes, I am interesting in joining the OLS steering committee

  • I am not sure yet, but ask me later

  • No, I would not be able to return to the next cohort

  • Other:

Would you recommend us to invite your mentee(s) to the next cohort to any of the roles below?*#

If you mentored a team of people who can be invited in different roles, please provide details in “other”.

  • Yes as a mentor

  • Yes as an expert

  • Yes, as a call facilitator

  • No, they are not ready yet!

  • Other:

Do you think your mentee was able to effectively engage with OLS throughout the program? *#

  • Yes, they were able to engage

  • No, they had difficulty engaging or attending calls

  • Other:

Anything else you would like to share with us?#