Andrew West (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)
Participants join this program with a project that they either are already working on or want to develop during this program.
For this round of the Openseeds program, we are happy to have 52 participants with 32 projects.
By: Sangram Sahu
Mentored by: Hans-Rudolf Hotz
Status: graduated
Reproducibility in life science always been in debate. Althogly lately standard practices have adopted in different aspects, sometimes these might not practically applicable by the end researcher. Reproducibility practices need to be used by all, then only it will be successful in both ends (research producer and research reader). To bridge this gap, a lot of practical training is required. This is where this project comes in picture. Here we aim of creating training materials for doing reproducible research in a more practical and application-oriented way with a specific focus on niche areas of respective research (for now bioinformatics as a starting point). Not only limited to materials, as well as virtual training by promoting the practuce of creating and sharing of Computational Environment and Analysis in a reproducible manner with systems in scaling.
By: Stefan Gaillard
Mentored by: Malvika Sharan,
Yo Yehudi
Status: not graduated
I want to work out a way to use data visualization to map the current state of scientific knowledge within the life sciences. Some literature on mapping science already exists, but most was written before the machine learning revolution. The more contemporary literature suffers from other mistakes, such as flawed comparisons of studies (using the same terminology in different manners) and, most importantly, not all scientific research is easily available. Thus, Open Science should be an integral component of any effort to map scientific knowledge. In this project, I aim to outline which Open Science practices currently exist that facilitate the mapping of science, which Open Science practices are needed to facilitate the mapping of science and how a prototype for a collaborative effort to map science could look like.
By: Emma Karoune
Mentored by: Yvan Le Bras
Status: graduated
I have been conducting my own research to assess the state of data sharing in phytolith analysis. The results show that data sharing practices are minimal (articles are currently being written!). Therefore, I am aware that my discipline needs to focus on open science practices to develop more transparent and robust methodologies. I want to raise awareness of the need for open science practices, initially focusing on data sharing. This will involve distributing my current research findings widely through blogs and conference talks, and these efforts will enable the formation of community connections to initiate a working group for open science in my field. There are currently working groups for nomenclature and morphometrics in phytolith analysis as part of the International Phytolith Society. Initial efforts of the working group would be to investigate the best ways to share data, developing resources/training opportunities for students and early career researchers, and recommending/publishing guidelines for colleagues to follow.
By: Stephen Klusza
Mentored by: Anita Bröllochs
Status: graduated
A synthetic biology platform that is compatible with existing and future public-domain biotechnologies in the Biosafety-Level -1 (BSL-1) organism Bacillus subtilis. Bacillus subtilis has the ability to secrete biomaterials outside of the cell and also undergoes sporulation under certain conditions, which provides a stable way of storing DNA at room temperature without a need for refrigeration. Despite the tremendous progress in synthetic biology and biomanufacturing industries, most innovations are patented with various restrictions on use and impedes global access and use of these tools. A synthetic biology toolkit that exclusively uses technologies in the public domain is the first step towards providing scientists and non-scientists the tools to conduct science and create valuable biomaterials for their communities without restriction.
By: Muhammet Celik
Mentored by: Mallory Freeberg
Status: graduated
Metagenomics has been increasingly becoming very important in studies of human and animal health. It has become clear that bacteria in and on our bodies are very significant. Thus there is a big boost in science society who are willing to study metagenomics. When we want to do downstream analysis in our microbial community, the first step is to find out about our community, what the community ultimately looks like. My idea is that benchmark the state of the art tools (such as Kraken2, Centrifuge and CLARK) and create a single pipeline that will produce a single pdf file with cutoff-significance-sensitivity values for each tool. Later we can set that pipeline on web-based system that would make the researchers easier for the scientists.
Mentored by: Piraveen Gopalasingam
Status: graduated
Chronic Learning is an open resource for academics and individuals who are trying to teach or learn something new; the scope is not limited to science. The project currently consists of a WordPress site (unlaunched), a Dropbox for material storage, and a Twitter account for dissemination. I own the copyright for all of the materials, and they are free to use for academic purposes, such as lecture slides or handouts. The materials are made up of a mixture of graphical abstracts, tutorials, and reference pdfs; I hope to incorporate more formats, such as videos, as well.
By: Joyce Kao,
Christina Ambrosi
Mentored by: Aidan Budd
Status: graduated
Open Innovation in Life Sciences is an open science organization that promotes the practice of open science in the Zurich-area life science research community. We are a bottom-up approach focusing on early career researchers (ECRs) that complements the Swiss national and institutional top-down open science initiatives. We are currently establishing an official Swiss association in collaboration with Life Science Zurich and expanding our program to include open science workshops/courses for ECRs and public lectures to complement our annual conference and keep the discussion on open science active all year round. The association will be operated by ECRs working with a board of academic and industry leaders thus it doubles as a career training program adding hands-on experience of practicing soft skills (e.g. teamwork, communication, etc.) and learning non-scientific expertise (e.g. project management, budgeting, advertising, etc.) to enhance traditional Ph.D. and Postdoctoral training.
By: Cooper Smout
Mentored by: Luis Pedro Coelho,
Lilian Juma
Status: graduated
Open Science practices have the potential to benefit everyone in the life science community (and broader society), but their adoption is limited by incentive structures that reward ‘fast’ and unreliable science at the individual level. ‘Crowd-acting’ platforms (e.g., Kickstarter, Collaction) can overcome such collective action problems by organising ‘pledges’ for a particular behaviour, which are only acted on if and when a predetermined critical mass of support is met. By protecting individuals’ interests until such time that they have the support of their community, crowd-acting platforms can thus resolve the collective action problem and increase the uptake of the beneficial behaviour in question. Similarly, Project Free Our Knowledge aims to organise collective action in the global research community. Researchers can create and sign campaigns asking their peers to adopt a new behaviour, but only act on that pledge if a certain threshold of support is met (e.g., 1000 signatures). If and when the threshold is reached, everyone who has signed that campaign will be listed on the website and directed to carry out the new behaviour in unison, with the protection of their peers.
By: Peter van Heusden,
Eugene de Beste
Mentored by: Mesfin Diro,
Raniere Silva
Status: not graduated
Bioinformatics and other computational life sciences (e.g. disease modelling) rely on computing infrastructure built and maintained by software engineers and sysadmins/systems engineers. The RSSE Africa (Research Software & Systems Engineers) forum was established last year just prior to the ASBCB conference to provide a home for people whose main contribution to research is software and computing systems. The aim for 2020 is to grow the project in terms of visibility and participation.
Mentored by: Dave Clements
Status: graduated
Galaxy is an open-source framework that enables scientists to perform computational biology analysis. A worldwide community supports the Galaxy project providing tools, workflows, computational resources and training materials in many different scientific areas. At the beginning of September 2020, I’ll be starting a new position at the University of Freiburg to help with the community management within the European Galaxy team. European Galaxy community has grown both in number and fields, standing in need of coordination across several countries that need to work collaboratively to achieve common goals. My new role will include the responsibility of coordinating the European Galaxy and scientific community as well as strengthening the relationship with the Australian community, helping build the Asian and African communities, and event organisation around Bioconda, BioContainers and Galaxy. With this personal project, I would like to advance my community building and project management skill while enhancing the connection with the communities outside Europe.
By: Tainá Rocha
Mentored by: Bruno Soares,
Yvan Le Bras
Status: graduated
Land-Use Land-cover (LULC) data are important predictors of species occurrence and biodiversity threats. Although there are LULC datasets available for ecologists under current conditions, there is a lack of such data under past and future climatic conditions. This hinders projecting the predictions from niche and distribution models over global change scenarios at different time periods. The Land Use Harmonization Project (LUH2) is a global dataset in raster format covering continental areas, and provides massive LULC data from 850 to 2300. However, these data are compressed in a file format (NetCDF) that are intractable by most ecologists. We aim to selected the most useful LULC data for ecologists, transformed the existing dataset into regular GIS formats and derived new LULC data often used in macroecology and ecological niche modeling and provide this data LULC data for thirty-seven time slices from year 900 to 2100, with the following temporal resolution - every 100 years from 900 to 1950, every 10 years from 1950 to 2010, and every five years from 2010 to 2300.
By: Boï Kone,
Bakary N’tji Diallo
Mentored by: Delphine Lariviere
Status: not graduated
BioLab Open Source Projects is the beginning of a platform where biomedical researchers, and computer scientists will work closely with to solve some main tropical infectious diseases through collaboration and sharing ideas. Being the main source of problems in Africa, tropical diseases are affecting the socio-economic development of this part of the world. The time is now the raise the state of the consciousness of the problem by creating an environment where the only interest is sharing. Sharing ideas, knowledge, skills, and opportunities about biology. The main challenge in African biomedical research science is the lack of resources and sharing skills, especially amount young generation of the scientist whom most of the time doesn’t have the orientation and necessary information to address. The project stands to build a community around the main challenge surrounding tropical infectious diseases as Malaria, Tuberculosis… To tackle this challenge of the biological understanding of the proportion of burden, the need for more training prospective and collaboration between students, young researchers, and potential supervising programs. We will try to build an open-source project around these challenges to better understand these diseases’ interaction modes with drugs via bioinformatics tools. The benefit will provide training support to the students, young researchers together and bring solutions for general health problems, and be able to share them on collaboration purposes and training.
By: Wasifa Rahman
Mentored by: Sonika Tyagi,
Malvika Sharan
Status: not graduated
This is a brand new project for the target approach in the stages of liver cirrhosis. This project will identify the significant reasons behind developing cirrhosis and to prevent that staging development in continuation of this damage. The major focuses to reverse the damage into healthy condition are the enzymes, mutations, snp, genetic factors related to disease progression. These are the key aspects to target the stages of liver cirrhosis and to identify there role to a healthy growing liver or decrease there damaging features.
By: Teresa Laguna,
Laura Judith Marcos-Zambrano
Mentored by: Katharina Lauer
Status: graduated
The project concept is to establish a collaboration between the general public and scientists, where the citizens can expose their daily issues and scientists can collaborate to try to find solutions for them. For that purpose, we aim to establish a multidisciplinary scientific network who help citizens to improve their daily life. To start the project, we think it is more appropriate to first create local communities, starting in Madrid as it the location of the applicants. In the future, the local network can be expanded or occasionally contact other local communities, such as the ones already established by means of this program (Barcelona, Utrecht, Montreal), to work collaboratively in global public issues. Connections with companies can also be established (for example, to help in the production of prototypes) but with the requirement of use open licenses and follow the precepts of this program.
By: Joel Hancock,
Markus Kirolos Youssef
Mentored by: Markus Löning
Status: not graduated
Using UMAP and network propagation to make a fast, accurate and interpretable supervised learning algorithm. We will benchmark our novel method against other state-of-the art machine learning algorithms using image analysis data, and other single-cell readouts. Supervised tasks using features with many artifacts and strange distributions and are typically solved using computationally intensive neural nets. This kind of data frequently occurs in morphological image analysis and bioinformatics generally. We would like to apply the technique to different datasets, investigate its theoretical underpinnings and see whether GPUs and other computational resources can be leveraged to improve the speed of classifications. Publish the results in an open science journal and make the code available to the community.
By: Harriet Natabona Mukhongo,
Brenda Muthoni,
Jelioth Muthoni
Mentored by: Naomi Penfold
Status: graduated
This project aims to develop a database of open-access Immunology pre-prints and publications on COVID-19. As the COVID-19 pandemic unfolds, scientists are working round-the-clock to generate data, resulting in an upsurge of information on various aspects of the virus. Various publishers such as Lancet, Elsevier, Oxford, New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), Nature, have open access early journal releases and publications on a wide range of fields covering the COVID-19 topic. Many efforts are still underway to develop a feasible vaccine with trials taking place at different research centers globally. An open repository of open access pre-prints and journal articles in the area of COVID-19 immunology and vaccinology will easily connect researchers on current data available for efficient communication of scientific research and open science principles. The repository will be divided into subsections of publications from the 7 continents to be able to easily identify how the disease is affecting different geographical locations.
By: Eva Herbst,
Dylan Bastiaans
Mentored by: Holger Dinkel
Status: graduated
We recently received some funding from our university to host a workshop about 3D modeling methods for biomechanics. This sparked the idea of creating some sort of online database of workflows in our field. This website will serve early career researchers or researchers starting out with biomechanical analyses, or those wishing to switch their workflows (for example to be more freeware based). Currently there is a need for a central repository of such workflows. Usually they are only circulated within lab groups or between collaborators. However, an online hub with modeling resources would significantly reduce the time researchers need to invest in choosing programs and figuring out how to set up their models, giving them more time to do research and develop new methods. For this project, we specifically want to build a website with open source workflows, tips and tricks for setting up models for finite element analysis, as well as other 3D workflows (such as fossil reconstruction in freeware programs).
By: Kendra Oudyk
Mentored by: Andrew Stewart
Status: graduated
The goal of this project is to establish Open-Science Office Hours, a meeting space where students in Montreal can come throughout the year to get help making their research more open and reproducible. This initiative will promote Open Education in life science, particularly in the area of neuroimaging data science. Students in this field often learn hard skills in open science at weekend workshops, summer schools, and hackathons, but there is a gap in the learning experience regarding long-term support. The main measurable outcome of this project would be having a group of senior trainees who take turns hosting Open-Science office hours at regular intervals throughout the year. These meetings would take place virtually and/or in person in Montreal, Canada (depending on COVID-19). Although we hope to spark this initiative, it would need community support to be sustainable. In the first stage, I would welcome collaborators to help plan. Later, we would need support in the form of funding so that we can compensate TA’s; this would help enable less-privileged trainees to get involved as TA’s. Finally, we would need to recruit the TA’s. Thus, this project will involve community contributions at all stages, in various capacities.
By: Danny Garside
Mentored by: Ivo Jimenez
Status: graduated
In this new project I aim to explore the specific challenges (both practical and metascience related) to adoption of registered reports in primate neurophysiology. As far as we aware there has not yet been a registered report within the field of non-human-primate (NHP) neurophysiology. There are specific challenges for using this format within this field; some practical and some metascientific. A central issue is that the existing format for registered reports focuses on hypothesis testing, whereas neurophysiology is quite often an exploratory and iterative process. Working with NHPs is a necessarily limited privilege and comes with considerable responsibility; the cost of having experiments where the results are not robust, or where opportunities for discovery are missed, is particularly high, since opportunity for replication is limited. Therefore, peer review in advance of performing an experiment seems a particularly valuable idea. This project would explore ways in which to find compromise in the conflict between existing registered report formats and current methodologies in primate neurophysiology.
By: Samuel Burke,
Andréanne Proulx,
Pauline Ligonie,
Myreille Larouche,
Valerie Parent,
Béatrice P.De Koninck
Mentored by: Renato Alves
Status: graduated
We are building Open Science UMontreal (OSUM) - a student initiative - whose aims are to create an onboarding experience to the practice of open science (in all of its forms) for the predominantly french-speaking scientific community in Quebec (and beyond). We aim to attract as many stakeholders as possible (from scientists at the level of undergraduate, all the way to emeritus status); to unite those who already have a strong open science mindset and to build our resources such that we become the first point of contact for the local scientific community. OSUM will discuss open science values, principles, and practices. By raising awareness of current issues, we hope this project will continue to drive the culture shift and help people realize how they can immediately benefit from using open and reproducible practices. Furthermore, we strive to navigate our institution towards becoming an institutional member of OSF, just as the University of British-Columbia has done in the last year. As open science is a broad and wide-ranging concept with domain-specific definitions, we want to provide opportunities to meet and encourage the exchange of ideas within and across fields because we can all learn from each other.
By: Hilyatuz Zahroh
Mentored by: Patricia Herterich
Status: graduated
APBioNetTalks is a new program to be launched by Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Network (APBioNet) by the mid of 2020. It will serve as an online platform to host and stream bioinformatics related talks, tutorials, and training. The program aims to facilitate the learning of bioinformatics to be more inclusive and accessible. It will invite experts, early career researchers/scientists, and Ph.D. students from different countries and institutions to share their knowledge and skills with the audiences. Upon the completion of live streaming, the videos will be archived and available on-demand. The program will help provide people with open bioinformatics resources and foster the growth of bioinformatics. Additionally, the program is also expected to reach wider audiences and introduce more people to the bioinformatics.
By: Pauline Karega
Mentored by: Lorena Pantano,
Sarah Gibson
Status: graduated
There are many universities in Kenya in different counties offering life sciences as part of their curriculum. There’s, however, a difference in accessibility to resources. There are a number of science clubs in these universities. In light of the recent pandemic, there has been a change in how conferences and science events are being conducted, which has proven that online training is an effective mode of training and so is remote distribution of resources. With increasing need to adopt online trainings and conferences, and to narrow the gap in distribution of resources to different institutions and also encourage collaboration, I propose a platform that contains data of all science clubs in Kenyan institutions. The platform will allow submissions of training needs from the different institutions to allow narrowed down preparation and it will also allow collaboration of students from various institutions. From requests obtained, organization of talks and trainings can be more efficient and organized. These can transition into physical meetups eventually
By: Pradeep Eranti
Mentored by: David Selassie Opoku
Status: graduated
The Bioinformatics community is one of the ever-growing communities in India, which has its presence across the length and breadth of the country. Likewise, the education and research programs spread across different branches of the Bioinformatics topic as its focus. There is a need for establishing open platform(s) where students, (early-career and established) researchers, policy makers could exchange knowledge freely across these different areas through open science practices and principles. In realizing such a platform, the benefits of following open principles need to be widely communicated for bringing awareness among the community by building pathways and encouraging contributors & ambassadors. The aim of this project is to explore the scope and path towards establishing an open platform and provide opportunities to participate, contribute and organize open initiatives.
By: Sebastian Eggert
Mentored by: Meag Doherty
Status: graduated
The OpenWorkstation project presents a modular and open-source concept to develop customized automation equipment. Inspired by assembly lines, the concept consists of ready-to-use and customizable hardware modules which can be plugged into the base frame. In contrast to current commercial and open-source standalone solutions, this concept enables the combination of single hardware modules – each with a specific set of functionalities – to a modular workstation to provide a fully automated setup. The base setup consists of a pipetting and transport module and is designed to execute basic protocol steps for in vitro research applications, including pipetting operations for non-viscous and viscous liquids and transportation of cell culture vessels between the modules. The successful application of this concept is presented within a case study by the development of a storage module to facilitate high-throughput studies and a crosslinker module to initiate polymerization of hydrogel solutions. By combining capabilities from various open source instrumentations into a modular technology platform, this concept has the potential to facilitate the development of customized automation equipment for efficient and reliable experimentation for in vitro research. Ultimately, the OpenWorkstation concept will allow empower academic groups to the develop their own equipment to automated their research workflows.
By: Sophia Batchelor,
Ismael Kherroubi Garcia,
Laura Carter
Mentored by: Jez Cope,
Anjali Mazumder
Status: graduated
The Turing Way project aims to provide all the information that data scientists in academia, industry, government and in the third sector need at the start of their projects to ensure that they are easy to reproduce and reuse at the end. The Guide for Ethical Research is one book of the project (complementing the other four which cover reproducible research, project design, communication, and collaboration). Producing an initial a full draft of the Guide for Ethical Research aims to positively impact research in the following ways:
By: Markus Löning
Mentored by: Martina Vilas
Status: graduated
sktime is a new Python toolbox for machine learning with time series. We provide state-of-the-art time series algorithms and scikit-learn compatible tools for building, optimising and evaluating complex models, based on a clear taxonomy of learning tasks and clear design principles and patterns. We want to enable understandable and accessible machine learning with time series by providing instructive documentation and by building a friendly, collaborative and inclusive community. The aim is to unify the time series analysis field by providing a common framework for multiple learning tasks, bringing together contributors from academia and the wider data science community into a joint framework and embedding best practices into the time series analysis field.
By: Camila Rangel Smith,
David Beavan,
Sam Van Stroud,
Kevin Xu
Mentored by: Yo Yehudi
Status: graduated
Our goal at Turing Data Stories is to produce educational data science content through the storytelling medium for the general public. Our content will be split into different stories, which begin with an interesting and relevant real-world hypothesis and walks the user through the entire data science process - from gathering and cleaning the data, to using it for data analysis. The aim of the Turing Data Stories is to spark curiosity and motivate more people to play with data. The Turing Data Stories are detailed and pedagogic Jupyter Notebooks that document an interesting insight or result using real world open data. A Turing Data Story follows these principles:
By: Neha Moopen,
Paul Owoicho
Mentored by: Samuel Guay
Status: graduated
The Turing Way book is a community-driven book for reproducible research in data science. It is written by data scientists, academics, researchers, students, technologists, software engineers, policymakers, educators and other stakeholders from varying technical backgrounds. I will be contributing to the project as a technical writer from September 2020 to December 2020 where I will have the following responsibilities:
All these tasks in The Turing Way will require me to integrate Open Science principles and community practices, which I am confident to learn with my participation in the Open Life Science training and mentoring program.
By: Kate Simpson
Mentored by: Arielle Bennett
Status: graduated
The Design for Retrofit project I work on at The Alan Turing Institute, within the Data-Centric Engineering programme aims to use data-driven methods to address uncertainty in design stage decision-making towards reducing the carbon impact of homes through retrofit. This involves quantification of the current energy demand of housing archetypes and physics-based modelling to evaluate the impact of energy-efficiency technologies available to be installed in the home during the retrofit process. However, uncertainty exists due to a lack of monitored data on indoor air temperature, which leads to a performance gap between modelled and monitored energy demand as heating practices are the most sensitive parameter within building energy modelling. Further uncertainty is acknowledged due to a lack of longitudinal data following retrofit. Such data could inform the evaluation of long-term impacts of technologies installed, to inform future decision making. Motivated householders who are planning or recently completed a retrofit project might be interested to share data, perhaps in return for research insight on the impacts and success of similar projects through a citizen science approach. This is an idea in development for follow-on research which requires data collection protocols, ethical guidelines and data repositories.
By: Georgia Aitkenhead,
Katharina Kloppenborg
Mentored by: Anelda van der Walt
Status: graduated
This project is to build an online citizen science platform with the collaboration of autistic people and their families. The platform will then be used to gather experiences in order to investigate how sensory processing might affect the ways autistic people navigate the world around them. We are also using learning from the project to create a framework to support researchers in making their own work more participatory. The project is a collaboration between The Alan Turing Institute – the UK’s national institute for data science and AI research, and Autistica, a UK autism research charity. I am working under the supervision of Dr. Kirstie Whitaker, an academic who is committed to the principles of open research and building welcoming and inclusive online communities. The funding for the project is a result of a James Lind priority setting alliance run by Autistica. It is a complex project with multiple stakeholders. Open Humans, a foundation who have provided the back end for the platform, and a development team from Fujitsu are currently co-designing the front-end interface with the input of the autistic community. Most important are a diverse and growing number of autistic participants and (sometimes overlapping) open source developers.
By: Ibrahim Ssali
Mentored by: Caleb Kibet
The H3ABioNet Open Learning Circles (OLC) Initiative aims to build a community of peers committed to learning and teaching each other different skills (coding, data analysis, etc.) through lectures, tutorials and work on collaborative projects. The goal is to have regular meetups for scientists, researchers and students to openly work together, learn/share code, learn new tools/software or simply improve their general coding skills. The project also allows space for continued learning and growth in various bioinformatics tools for our ex-trainees in this instance. In the beginning, learning circles will enable continuity of learning after IBT. To start a bioinformatics department and resource Centre at Muni University, Faculty of health sciences located in Arua City, West Nile, Uganda. The aim is to develop a critical mass of practitioners in this region who can develop and utilize Bioinformatics approaches to Biosciences. To enhance bioinformatics training at all levels and increase the size and quality of the pool of potential students and researchers. I am at a stage of proposal writing to start a bioinformatics department and resource centre at Muni University, Faculty of health sciences located in Arua City, West Nile, Uganda. The aim is to develop a critical mass of practitioners in this region who can develop and utilize Bioinformatics approaches to Biosciences. To enhance bioinformatics training at all levels and increase the size and quality of the pool of potential students and researchers.
By: Ekeoma Festus
Mentored by: Caleb Kibet,
Lena Karvovskaya
The H3ABioNet Open Learning Circles (OLC) Initiative aims to build a community of peers committed to learning and teaching each other different skills (coding, data analysis, etc.) through lectures, tutorials and work on collaborative projects. The goal is to have regular meetups for scientists, researchers and students to openly work together, learn/share code, learn new tools/software or simply improve their general coding skills. The project also allows space for continued learning and growth in various bioinformatics tools for our ex-trainees in this instance. Through my participation in OLS, I will adapt the Open learning Circles Concept to our community in UWC.
Scientific Project Manager working in the project AI4Life ( with strong interest in outreach and community building.
I studied psychology in my undergraduate degree (University of Queensland, Australia) and cognitive neuroscience in my postgraduate degree (Queensland Brain Institute, Australia). Throughout my PhD, I became increasingly disillusioned at the state of academia – particularly the scholarly publishing system – and decided I would rather devote my career to reforming academia than pursuing my research interests (which include consciousness, meditation, attention, and prediction). To this end, I joined IGDORE and founded Project Free Our Knowledge, a conditional pledge platform that seeks to increase the adoption of open and reproducible research practices through collective action.
I’m a color vision researcher and open science advocate.
All of my research and community building embraces an open scholarship approach in which I strive to develop more open and sustainable research practices across different disciplines.
I am a researcher at The Alan Turing Instiitute working on co-creating a citizen science platform, AutSPACEs, with a community of autistic collaborators. I also worked for 3 years for the British Civil Service in their fast track scheme. I’m a believer in creating a collaborative over competitive work ethos, equity, and open research.
Currently studying towards a MSc in philosophy of the social sciences at the LSE. Curious about the values that drive human action, and the nature of collaboration.
I am an enthusiast for using tech to make processes more efficient and reproducible. Currently, I am the Co-Executive Director of the Digital Research Academy that provides bespoke training in Open Science, Research Software Engineering, and Data Literacy through an international network of expert trainers. Things that make me happy right now are sunshine and spending time with my school-aged kid discovering the world.
I am an early career researcher focused on building energy use with a passion for learning about open community and open science practices that I can apply to my work. I am motivated to share academic knowledge with those who can benefit from it. I would love to see an open data community of practice including households, building practitioners and researchers.
Katharina is a PhD student at the Peer-Produced Research Lab at the Center for Research & Interdisciplinarity in Paris, France. She is working on the participatory design of tools to support bottom-up communities in citizen science in peer-producing knowledge. She has a background in cognitive and media science and user experience consulting and is passionate about art and illustration.
Laura is a human rights and non-discrimination expert researching the societal impact of data, technology and AI. She is currently a Tech Policy Fellow at UC Berkeley.
Markus is a PhD student at UCL and he is one of the core developers of sktime, a toolbox for machine learning with time series.
Sam is a PhD Student at the UCL Data Intensive Science CDT. Hi is an OLS-2 graduate and works on the ATLAS experiment at CERN.
Lifelong developmental geneticist with interest in synthetic biology and creating open domain tools for research
I’m a biologist interested in many fields of biodiversity, especially about patterns of distribution in time/space and why. I’m also really interested in open science, softwares and databases to work in biodiversity and of course good workflows 🤓. I’m happy when I exchange knowledge and help others 🙃 .