Projects & Participants for OLS-9 DRI-EDIA

Andrew West (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)

Participants join this program with a project that they either are already working on or want to develop during this program.

For this round of the Openseeds program, we are happy to have 79 participants with 79 projects.


Enhancing AI Knowledge Among Women, Racialized Groups, and First-Generation Students

By: Sana Sharif

Mentored by: Alexandra Araujo Alvarez

Keywords: Semantic Communication, 6G Networks, Resource Optimization, Wireless Networks, Ai Awareness, Equity, Inclusion, Digital Research Infrastructure

As an EDI champion in research, my personal learning goals related to open science include deepening my understanding of how to make research more accessible and transparent to diverse communities. I aim to explore effective strategies for sharing data, tools, and findings in ways that are inclusive and culturally responsive, ensuring that underrepresented groups have equal opportunities to contribute to and benefit from scientific advancements. Additionally, I want to learn more about fostering collaborative, cross-disciplinary partnerships that prioritize openness, diversity, and the removal of barriers to participation in research.

kaykwy chi tootamaahk? (What do we do next?): Localizing CARE and FAIR to Develop Métis-driven RDM Guidelines and Training for Métis Data in Saskatchewan

By: Olivia (Liv) Abram

Mentored by: Gracielle Higino

Keywords: Indigenous Literatures; Indigenous Comics; Indigenous Methodologies; Literary Criticism; Collaboration; Community Research;

I’m interested in whether there are viable ways to manage the logistical security issues with projects like these as well as the ethical nuances in regards to questions like: how will we manage access to online information, but share it as widely as possible and ensure community members know how to access it?; if logging in online, how will we confirm identity?

Experiences of indigenous people with virtually-provided health care in Canada

By: Kim Mitchell

Mentored by: Sabrina López

Keywords: Indigenous Health, Medical Learner, Engineering, Privacy, Information Protection, Qualitative Research, Teaching, Mentoring

Through open science in my project, I would like to:

  1. share ways to enter the research field with other indigenous students
  2. develop a method to incorporate principles of data sovereignty into publicly-funded open research tools in Canada

ARC is for Everyone: Training, Mentorship, and Resources in Advanced Research Computing for Women in STEM

By: Meghana Munipalle

Mentored by: Laura Carter

Keywords: Computational Biology, Molecular Modelling, Biophysics, Data Science, Science Communication

As a computational student, I feel that open science is especially important for my own work moving forward. I would like to make sure that my code, models, and source data are managed properly and remain accessible. I am very passionate about equity and accessibility in science and interested in careers at the intersection of scientific research, policy, and communication. As such, having access to DRI resources and communities in open science would aid me as a computational researcher and throughout my career in science.

The application of a broad to narrow scope approach to improve digital research infrastructure (DRI) service awareness and utilization by equity-seeking communities in microbiome research, and other integrative disciplines

By: Angelica Miraples

Mentored by: Derek Moore

Keywords: Plant, Molecular, Cellular Biology, Microbiome, R Studio, Command Line, High Throughput Sequencing Data Processing

In my academic work I have recently started to benefit from DRI-related knowledge and resources and would like to enable others to have access to those benefits, targeting those who have faced similar barriers that I’ve experienced. I am a female, a visible minority and first generation post-secondary student in academic and would like to provide other aspiring researches like me with relatable role models, particularly in STEM disciplines.

Influence of Demographics and Injury Severity on Behavioural Impairments in Traumatic Brain Injury

By: Sebastian D’Amario

Mentored by: Umar Farouk Ahmad

Keywords: Kinarm, Sensorimotor, Behaviour, Motor Learning, Motor Adaptation, Traumatic Brain Injury

I want to deepen my understanding of how open science can be effectively integrated into interdisciplinary research, ensuring that diverse communities benefit from shared knowledge. I’m also aiming to learn more about ethical considerations in data sharing, particularly in relation to Indigenous peoples.

Challenges and Adaptation Required to Access to DRI Services among Researchers with Disabilities

By: Ahlam Zidan

Mentored by: Jez Cope

Keywords: Rehabilitation, Child Development, Researcher

To know what is open science, what can offer me as a researchers and learn how to use it.

Breaking Barriers in AI for Materials and Molecules

By: Ameer Nizami

Mentored by: Elisee Jafsia

Keywords: Batteries, Nanomaterials, Artificial Intelligence, Density Functional Theory, Computational Chemistry

As an EDI champion in research, my personal learning goals related to open science include developing a deeper understanding of how to make research practices more accessible and equitable for diverse communities. I aim to learn how to effectively share data and methodologies in ways that encourage participation from underrepresented groups and foster global collaboration. Additionally, I seek to incorporate the specific applications that these subgroups are focusing on.

Enhancing Diversity and Inclusion in Computational Fluid Dynamics: A Culturally Responsive

Accessibility Initiative. {#enhancing-diversity-and-inclusion-in-computational-fluid-dynamics-a-culturally-responsive-accessibility-initiative}

By: Adekola Adeyemi

Mentored by: Arielle Bennett

Keywords: Openfoam, Cad, Python, Linux, Cfd, Nax, Latex, Hpc, Ansys,

I want to be equipped on how to get my message across in the best possible way with respect, dignity and understanding of individuals background, perspective and uniqueness

My target audience are Minorities who are working in my field of research. I want to learn how to make their experience no matter how short while working with me worth it

Exploring the impact of digital literacy on digital research participation for disabled women and gender diverse people in Canada from diverse socioeconomic status backgrounds

By: Eunice Tunggal

Mentored by: Elise Bateman

Keywords: Qualitative, Digital, Health Equity, Disability, Women, Girls

As an EDI champion in research, my personal learning goals related to open science focus on deepening my understanding of how open-access data and publications can promote inclusivity, especially for women and gender diverse people with disabilities. I aim to explore ways to make research outputs accessible to marginalized groups, particularly disabled and gender-diverse individuals, while ensuring ethical data sharing practices that respect participants’ privacy and consent. Additionally, I want to learn how to integrate open science principles into participatory research methods, fostering co-creation of knowledge with underrepresented communities and amplifying their voices in scientific discourse.

Championing the use of Digital Research Infrastructure amongst nursing researchers in Canada: Sex-Gender Digital Health Equity Research Hub proof of concept and knowledge dissemination to national nursing associations.

By: Kelly Davison

Mentored by: Kalle Westerling

Keywords: Ehr Standards, Terminology Standards, Health Equity, Snomed Ct, Nursing, Decolonizing

1) Become familiar with Open Science philosophy and concepts. 2) Become familiar with Open Science platforms and tools. 3) Share my expertise and advocate for open science.

Improving Onboarding Accessibility and Support for Alliance DRI

By: Alexander De Furia

Mentored by: Joyce Kao

Keywords: Machine Learning, Class Imbalance, Artificial Intelligence

I want to find better ways to communicate and share my research in addition to the standard journal and conference style. I aim to explore innovative ways to break down barriers to participation in research, ensuring that diverse voices and perspectives are included in the scientific process. <y personal learning goals related to open science focus on understanding and implementing practices that make scientific knowledge more accessible and reproducible for all.

Translating habitat change modeling for Caribou conservation with Indigenous insights

By: Moses Elleason

Mentored by: Alejandro Coca Castro

Keywords: Habitat Management, Gis, Remote Sensing

I look forward to acquiring advanced skills and knowledge about how to operationalize effective open science practices. As a young scientist and EDI champion, one of my goals is to make a significant contribution to the DRI-EDIA and OLS efforts to encourage healthy open science practices.

Chemderful: A Neurodiverse Molecular Modeling Society for Equitable Molecular Sciences Education

By: Islam Matar

Mentored by: Sara Villa

Keywords: Molecular-Modelling, Drug-Discovery, Entrepreneurship

I want to learn how to sustain an open chemical education initiative that delivers interactive molecular models to the hands of every chemistry student worldwide.

Advanced Research Computing Within Reach for All at McGill

By: Emilie Storer

Mentored by: Aman Goel

Keywords: Data Analysis, Cosmology

I would like to become much more comfortable with using GitHub, and possible create a webpage for sharing data. Also, I would like to learn what there is to learn. I am sure upon hearing more about open science, I will discover more skills I would like to develop.

From Pixels to Purpose: Leveraging In-Person and Online Platforms for Data-Driven Advocacy For EDIA in The Use of Digital Research Alliance of Canada Resources

By: Tiara Mulder

Mentored by: Beatriz Serrano-Solano

Keywords: Drosophila Melanogaster , Muscle Repair , Cell, Molecular Biology , Equity, Diversity, Inclusion,, Accessibility (Edia) , Scientific Outreach, Advocacy , Science Communication

As an EDI champion in research, my personal learning goals related to open science include deepening my understanding of the landscape of open-access journals to identify platforms that are both credible and accessible. I aim to enhance my skills in advocating for more equitable funding models that support open-access publishing, especially for underrepresented researchers. Furthermore, I’m committed to learning about and implementing more inclusive practices in data sharing and collaboration, ensuring that open science truly benefits and is shaped by diverse communities.

A Comprehensive Dataset: Capturing Brain Signals from Individuals with Cerebral Palsy Across Diverse Populations

By: Elham Reyhanianmotehaver

Mentored by: Umar Farouk Ahmad

Keywords: Signal Processing, Machine Learning, Cerebral Palsy

For the DRA project, I plan to collect a dataset from physiological signals of individuals with Cerebral Palsy (CP). I recognize the importance of managing populations from diverse backgrounds, especially given the physical and mental challenges they face due to their condition. It is crucial to understand how these difficulties affect their overall well-being. As they may experience physical and emotional fatigue, learning effective management strategies is essential to lead a team that works closely with them. This knowledge will help ensure that we provide compassionate and structured care throughout the project.

Advancing Equity in Forestry: Digital Research Infrastructure (DRI) and Deep Learning (DL) for All

By: Yuwei Cao

Mentored by: Alejandro Coca Castro

Keywords: Remote Sensing, Forestry, Deep Learning, 3D Modeling, Gis

Deepening my understanding of how to make research more accessible to underrepresented groups, both in terms of participation and access to findings. I aim to improve my skills in sharing data and code transparently while ensuring that ethical considerations, such as privacy and consent, are upheld.

Utilizing Digital Research Infrastructure (DRI) to Develop Environmental DNA Tools for Biodiversity Monitoring in Indigenous Lands

By: Mark Louie Lopez

Mentored by: Gladys Rotich

Keywords: Environmental Monitoring, Freshwater Biology, Environmental Dna, Paleolimnology

I aim to bridge the gap between the science and application of environmental DNA. I hope to provide an equitable tool to end-users by building capacity and network within the communities I am working with.

Bioinformatics for Everyone

By: Letícia Magpali Moura Estevão

Mentored by: Pradeep Eranti

Keywords: Evolution, Genomics, Genotype-Phenotype, Bioinformatics, Cetaceans, Bioacoustics, Echolocation

Improve my communication skills Learn how to use open science tools, such as data repositories and open source software Improve the accessibility of my research and outreach materials Practice skills for organizing and promoting outreach/teaching events Exchange ideas and discuss open science in a diverse environment

Bridging the Digital Divide: Empowering Equity-Seeking Researchers with Alliance DRI Tools

By: Linda Okpanachi

Mentored by: Umut Pajaro Velasquez

Keywords: Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Data Science, Software Development

As an EDI champion in research, my personal learning goals related to open science revolve around deepening my comprehension of open data practices and honing skills in collaborative research approaches. My goal is to understand how to effectively engage diverse communities and empower marginalized communities in the research process. Additionally, I want to explore best strategies for openly sharing research findings to ensure that these findings are accessible to anyone. This I believe would provide an environment that is more inclusive and equitable.

Introducing potential opportunities in applying DRI for research and building professional skills for persons living with visible and invisible disabilities

By: Soorena Azarhazin

Mentored by: Jez Cope

Keywords: Computational Fluid Dynamics (Cfd), Numerical Simulation Of Thermo-Fluids Processes, Flow Control

My personal goal is to improve knowledge about and access to DRI to mitigate these barriers in several ways, including organizing a virtual event for the community of persons with disability, which is necessary to listen and understand all existing obstacles, and establishing an association help the Alliance to monitor the problems more effectively and can provide better support for this community. Besides, people who attend the virtual event will be invited to join the association, learn more as this project progresses, and provide better feedback directly to the Alliance.

Réseau des Étudiants Chercheurs de l’Alliance de Recherche Numérique à l’UQAM (RECARN-UQAM)

By: Francois Gonothi Toure

Mentored by: Robert Giessmann

Keywords: Robotics, Iot, Computer Vision, Reinforcement Learning, Internet Of Things, High-Performance Computing

As an EDI champion in research, my personal learning goals related to open science include deepening my understanding of how to create more accessible and equitable research platforms. I aim to explore strategies for mitigating barriers faced by underrepresented groups, ensuring that open science practices truly benefit everyone. Additionally, I want to enhance my knowledge of ethical data sharing and responsible research dissemination, so that open science is both transparent and respectful of privacy and intellectual contributions across diverse communities.

Bridging the Gap: Catalyzing High-quality Research with Digital Tools, Services and Infrastructure from the Digital Research Alliance of Canada

By: Lanna Emilli Barbosa Lucchetti

Mentored by: Pradeep Eranti

Keywords: Computational Simulations, Density Functional Theory, Molecular Dynamics, Data Science, Electrochemistry, Teaching, Learning

I am looking forward to have an updated perspective on the matter, since it has always been a subject I am quite interested in and I actively try to incorporate into my research, but mostly at an individual level so far. After reading the course content, I am particularly interested in learning the following topics: (Design) Illustrate the need for a project, its vision, and its goals; (Build) Start any project with openness in mind from day one.

Promoting Digital Research Infrastructure in Equity-Focused Research: Forming Sustainable Connections with Early-Career Translational Researchers

By: Shayan Novin

Mentored by: Aswathi Surendran

Keywords: Hiv Prevention, Narrative Medicine, Translational Research

While I have experience working within equity-deserving communities in a volunteering setting, this would be my first time working within an academic context. I hope to understand the project-related barriers unique to this context and develop a toolkit for navigating them.

Developing Accessible Computational Tools and Inclusive Training: From Computational Sciences to Health Sciences

By: Fanwang Meng

Mentored by: Emma Karoune

Keywords: Computational Drug Discovery, Software Development, Machine Learning, Open Science

I would like to learn more about the theories, and practices on how to prompt open science, which can help me to fill in the interdisciplinary gaps.

Bridging Quantum Mechanics and Machine Learning: Developing an Open-Source Software for Efficient Data Processing for Advanced Research Inclusivity

By: Musanna Galib

Mentored by: Elisee Jafsia

Keywords: Phase Field Modeling, Density Functional Theory, Machine Learning, Material Science, Solid Mechanics

My personal learning goals include mastering how to make advanced computational tools accessible and usable for equity-seeking groups. I aim to develop expertise in creating platforms that bridge complex scientific tools with machine learning, all while ensuring these platforms are user-friendly and open. Learning how to promote open-source initiatives that are inclusive and accessible is key to my work.

Training Racialized Groups in the Faculty of Sciences on Digital Research Infrastructure (DRI) Utilization

By: Chiedozie Alumona

Mentored by: Wapouo Fadanka Stephane

Keywords: Quantitative Research, Statistics, Teaching, Systematic Review, Meta-Analysis, Qualitative Research

My learning goals are mastering data management, security, sharing, and privacy, frameworks, including data repository software/platform. Additionally, I would like to learn about data manipulation, visualization, and analysis using analytic tools and collaborative research software.

Training 2SLGBTQIA+ researchers on Canadian digital research infrastructure via social media outreach

By: Jackie Girgis

Mentored by: Kalle Westerling

Keywords: Machine Learning, Interpersonal Connection, Emotion, Music

I want to look how to be fully open in science - specifically at all stages of a project. For me, this means from idea conception all the way to publishing.

Community Driven Accessible Mini-Courses and Workshops to Further the Uptake of DRA DRI Resources

By: Anemily Machina

Mentored by: Joyce Kao

Keywords: Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Generative Ai, Explainable Ai

My major goal as an EDI champion in research is to obtain more experience creating accessible educational materials. This material could be for the EDIA champion project, or for my personal research. Additionally, my research goals after the competition of my thesis are to make AI explanations more accessible (e.g. for people who use screen readers), to make AI use more equitable.

Empowering Equity-Seeking Students Through DRI and High-Performance Computing Training

By: Hamza Hanif

Mentored by: Alexia Cardona

Keywords: Particle Physics, Physics, Python, Data Analysis, Coding

As an EDI champion in research, my personal learning goals related to open science include deepening my understanding of how open data and resources can be leveraged to promote equity, diversity, and inclusion within the scientific community. I aim to explore ways to make scientific computing tools, datasets, and knowledge more accessible to underrepresented groups, ensuring that marginalized and equity-seeking researchers have equal opportunities to engage with cutting-edge technologies like HPC and DRI. Additionally, I seek to learn effective strategies for fostering inclusive collaboration in open science that actively reduces barriers for women, first-generation students, and geographically isolated researchers.

A Holistic Dataset for Evaluating Bias in Large Language Models

By: Arash Asgari

Mentored by: Isil Poyraz Bilgin

Keywords: Ai Fairness, Large Language Models, Multi-Modal Models, De-Biasing Ai Models, Parameter Efficient Fine-Tuning Of Ai Models.

As an EDI champion, my personal learning goals include deepening my understanding of the ethical implications of data sharing and mastering methods for de-identifying data to ensure privacy while minimizing the risks associated with data dissemination. Another key objective is to create a dataset through this project that promotes equitable access to large language models (LLMs) as a public resource, ensuring that services remain accessible to all individuals regardless of gender, sexual orientation, or race. By focusing on these areas, I aim to contribute to a more inclusive and ethical open science community.

DRI EDIA Champions Collective

By: Ria Arora

Mentored by: Derek Moore

Keywords: Community Building Knowledge Sharing Discord Server Edia Champions Dri Knowledge Community Forums Digital Knowledge Exchange

As an EDI champion in research, my personal learning goals related to open science include deepening my understanding of how to make research processes and findings more accessible to underrepresented communities. I aim to explore innovative ways to integrate open-access tools that promote collaboration while ensuring that diverse voices are meaningfully included throughout the research lifecycle. Additionally, I seek to learn how to navigate ethical considerations in data sharing and engage communities in co-creation, fostering transparency and inclusivity in the dissemination of knowledge.

Inclusive Research: Increasing DRI Access and Engagement for Black Scholars at the University of Lethbridge

By: Frank Onuh

Mentored by: Godwyns Onwuchekwa

Keywords: Mal/Mis/Disinformation, Black Digital Humanities, Critical Discourse Analysis, Digital Afrocentrism, Humanistic Prompt Engineering, Computational Social Sciences, Corpus Linguistics

My learning goals focus on understanding and addressing the unique barriers faced by underrepresented groups in accessing and contributing to open science initiatives. I hope to explore innovative ways to make open science practices more inclusive and equitable, particularly in terms of data sharing, collaborative research, and publication accessibility. I seek to develop strategies for promoting cultural competence within open science communities to ensure that diverse perspectives and knowledge systems are valued and integrated into the open science ecosystem

Bridging the gap: Increasing equitable access to research data among graduate women researchers in the academic community in Lethbridge, Alberta

By: Oluwatoyin Aladejebi

Mentored by: Godwyns Onwuchekwa

Keywords: Quantitative Research, Qualitative Research, Data Collection, Data Management

As an EDI champion in research, my personal learning goals related to open science are: First, I must ensure transparency in my research in order to make it visible. Second, open science encourages openness in sharing with others; hence, I must ensure that my research is made accessible and usable to other researchers to facilitate learning and reproducibility for various purposes. Third, another personal learning goal is ensuring inclusivity by involving more contributors in my research to make it more robust and viable for people who the research targets to benefit from it.

Roots/Routes: Stories of Diaspora on Philosopher’s Walk

By: Steve Tu

Mentored by: Anne Lee Steele

Keywords: Philosophy Of Higher Education, Multispecies Ethnography, Student Mental Health

I’m interested in how open science can incorporate community-driven research, where diverse stakeholders are involved from the outset. Additionally, I want to explore strategies to ensure that data and knowledge shared openly are not just accessible, but also usable and relevant to a wide range of communities.

Inspiration, Orientation et Médiation des Sciences du Numérique : Focus sur les Femmes, en particulier les Femmes PANDC

By: Clotilde Djuikem

Mentored by: Lessa Tchohou Fabrice

Keywords: Mathematical Modelling, Epidemiology, Control, Data-Science, Education, Scientific Outreach

My personal goals are at several levels:

1 - I create content on YouTube, LinkedIn, and TikTok, and this content is open to everyone. I will continu to improve that 2 - During my PhD, as soon as I had the opportunity to publish my article as open access, I immediately chose that option. Unfortunately, for some journals, there are fees, and our research centers do not always have the finances to cover them. 3 - In my postdoctoral work, I always aim to publish openly whenever the possibility is available. 4 - I will be working with primary and secondary students in my project as an EDIA champion, and I will have the opportunity to talk to them about Open Science at an early stage.

Digital research infrastructure for a neglected group and discipline: Advancing equitable access for racializedresearchers in Social Sciences at Uottawa

By: Jane Ezirigwe

Mentored by: Wapouo Fadanka Stephane

Keywords: Food & Agricultural Law, Racial Justice, Gender, Socio-Legal Research, Law, Global South Perspectives

As an EDI champion in research, my personal learning goals for open science include deepening my understanding of its principles—transparency, accessibility, and collaboration—to advocate effectively within my research community. I aim to implement inclusive research practices that represent diverse perspectives, particularly from marginalized communities. A priority is making research outputs more accessible to those facing barriers, such as non-academic audiences, developing regions, and individuals with disabilities.

I also aim to develop skills in responsible data management and sharing, ensuring participants’ rights and privacy are respected. Additionally, I seek proficiency in open science tools and platforms that enhance collaboration and dissemination. Finally, I want to strengthen my ability to foster inclusive collaborations across disciplines and cultures, ensuring open science adapts to different contexts while maintaining equity.

By: Nishith Mishra

Mentored by: Shurui Zhou

Keywords: Education, Educational Approaches, International Space Law, Policy, Regulation Of Artificial Intelligence Systems – Especially In Outer Space Activities, International Relations, Sustainable Development Agendas, Policies

As an EDI champion in research, my learning goals related to open science focus on promoting equitable access to knowledge and ensuring that diverse voices are represented in scholarly discourse. I aim to deepen my understanding of how open science can dismantle barriers to participation for underrepresented groups and enhance the transparency and inclusivity of the research process. By exploring the intersection of EDI principles and open science, I seek to contribute to a more accessible, diverse, and collaborative global research community.

Empowering Women in Environmental Sciences: Contextual Tutorials for Digital Research Infrastructure

By: Renée Hall

Mentored by: Carolina Natel De Moura

Keywords: Earth System Modelling, Terrestrial Biosphere Modelling, Biogeochemical Cycles, Wildfire Emissions

As an EDI champion in research, my personal learning goals related to open science include exploring the open science platforms and resources available. I’m particularly interested in options for sharing datasets and codebases, as well as understanding the roles and responsibilities involved in maintaining open science practices. Additionally, I aim to enhance my skills in communicating research effectively, ensuring that information can reache a wider audience and is more easily accessible for future use.

Academic Research Made Simple (ARMS)

By: Kwaku Ayisi

Mentored by: Silvia Di Giorgio

Keywords: Research, Analysis, Policy Development, Teaching

One of my learning goals is to acquire in-depth knowledge and skills in Data Curation, Dataverse Metadata, Research Data Management, Research Data Repositories, Institutional Research Data Management Strategies and Cloud Computing among others. Another goal is to be equipped enough to be able to train others with the knowledge/skills I receive.

Convolutional Neural Networks for Diagnosis of Parkinson’s Disease

By: Sudhi Sharma Padillath Vasudevan

Mentored by: Johanna Bayer

Keywords: Machine Learning, High Performance Computing, Uncertainty Quantification, Bayesian Inference, Computational Modelling For Partial Differential Equations, Scalable Solver Development

I would like to be an active voice in representing the research community in following best practices and spreading excellent research contributions to the world.

“Cultivating 21st Century Skills/DRI for Sustainable Development Goals in Supporting Participatory Research Involving Children with Refugee Experience”

By: Azam Dashti Khavidaki

Mentored by: Emma Karoune

Keywords: Qualitative Researcher Specializing In Child’S Agency Et Ethics, Refugee Researcher, Digital Media, Technology Researcher, Fellow At Participatory Cultures Lab

First, I aim to learn how to support my teammates and researchers in the Participatory Cultures Lab. This firsthand experience deepens my understanding of how this method works and how inclusive research practices can be integrated into open-access platforms. I have always been interested in knowledge mobilization and how we, as researchers, can facilitate the circulation of knowledge. I am eager to explore strategies for fostering diverse collaborations that promote transparency, inclusivity, and ethical considerations, especially in the context of interdisciplinary and cross-cultural studies and research outcomes.

Understanding the Principles of CARE, FAIR, and OCAP in the context of localized Indigenous communities

By: Alix Shield

Mentored by: Gracielle Higino

Keywords: Digital Humanities, Indigenous Studies, Indigenous Literatures, Archival Research

I hope to expand my understanding of open science, so that I have a better grasp of how my own work in Indigenous Studies fits within this framework and so that I can go on to advocate for the inclusion of Indigenous data in open science contexts. I hope to learn new skills that I can share with my research colleagues at Simon Fraser University, and also within our wider Indigenous Studies research community in Canada. I also hope that I will engage in thoughtful conversations with new colleagues/mentors about topics relating to access and protocols, to consider how other scholars are navigating these concerns and to gain insights that might inspire new directions in my own work.

Utilizing the Digital Research Alliance of Canada Infrastructure for Artificial Intelligence-driven COVID-19 Gene Discovery

By: Kaitlyn Wade

Mentored by: Joyce Kao

Keywords: Bioinformatics, Health Data Science, Deep Learning, Statistical Genetics, Inclusive Ai, Explainable Ai

As an EDIA Champion, I hope to learn how to ensure that the software tools and methods I develop are open and accessible, while adhering to ethical standards for handling sensitive patient data. I would also like to learn about strategies for fostering interdisciplinary collaboration and how to build or seek out diverse perspectives within research teams. I also hope to learn strategies for community engagement and how to actively involve stakeholders and underrepresented groups in my research. Additionally, I hope to learn how to measure engagement and the impact of open science practices within the research community. Through the EDIA Champions program, I hope to contribute to a more inclusive scientific community.

Building a multiplexed imaging data repository to increase accessibility for equity-seeking groups

By: Vrinda Gupta

Mentored by: Beatriz Serrano-Solano

Keywords: Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Multiplex Imaging,

As an EDI champion, my learning goals in open science are related to developing my understanding of equitable access to research resources and improving this access for equity-seeking groups. I want to support historically underrepresented individuals that lack access to specific technologies and resources in learning how to use alternative resources within their own work, in order to foster more openness and inclusivity in research. As such, I want to develop specialized strategies for removing barriers for underrepresented groups in science to benefit from open science resources, and I want to improve my ability to incorporate diverse perspectives in all stages of the research process.

Assessing EDIA & DRI Challenges and Needs and Introduction of DRI Tools to Graduate Students Across Six Disciplines

By: Stacey Koornneef

Mentored by: Riva Quiroga

Keywords: Computer Science Education, Computational Thinking, Educational Games, Primary School Educational Tools, Cost Accessibility

I want to develop strategies for effectively communicating the importance of open science and EDI to a broader audience, fostering a more inclusive and collaborative research community. I also seek to learn more about how to support different groups where I may not be as knowledgeable.

Identifying indicators of inequity in Statistics Canada datasets and understanding the experiences of CRDCN researchers belonging to equity deserving and seeking groups

By: Tasneem Khan

Mentored by: Eunice Mercado-Lara

Keywords: Social, Mental Health Equity, Semi-Structured Interviews, Statistics Canada, Community Based Survey Analysis, Edia, Intersectionality Frameworks, Culturally Adapted Mental Health Interventions

I would like to learn about the best practices for creating public knowledge for the use of restricted and sensitive data. It would be good to learn and unpack practices, including basic data management and Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable (FAIR) data principles.

Improving accessibility and awareness to Advanced Research Computing (ARC) and Research Data Management (RDM) for International Women Students Engaged in Genomics Research at McGill University.

By: Laura Carolina Camelo Valera

Mentored by: Laura Carter

Keywords: Metagenomics, Computational Biology, Science Education, Inclusive Learning Techniques

As an EDI champion in research, my personal learning goals related to open science include deepening my understanding of how to make research practices more accessible and inclusive, particularly for underrepresented groups in STEM. I aim to learn and share strategies that promote data transparency and reproducibility. Additionally, I seek to learn how open science frameworks can better support equitable access to research tools, such as advanced computing resources, especially for international students and researchers from low-resource settings.

Enhancing Awareness and Training of the Alliance’s Digital Research Infrastructure for Equity-Seeking Groups in Evolutionary Biology

By: Amy Kim

Mentored by: Pradeep Eranti

Keywords: Invasive Species, Genetics, Ecology, Evolution, Teaching Pedagogy

I want to learn strategies on how to make scientific information, such as scientific knowledge and research skills, more accessible for everyone. I also want to know how it is best to centralize this information, so it easy to access in the future for everyone. It would also be great to learn about barriers that individuals face when accessing science and how best to diminish these barriers.

Cultivating Community Capabilities: Navigating Justice and Respect in the Humanities Data Ecology

By: Nathan Woods

Mentored by: Silvia Di Giorgio

Keywords: Organizations, Sociotechnical Systems, Research Policy, Governance, Actionable Knowledge

I have had training on open science best practices, i.e. how things should work, but as an EDI champion I would like to learn more about the institutional and cultural barriers to conducting open science. Additionally, I would like to learn more about successful open science models that prioritize issues of accessibility, particularly when workin with non-scientists/professional researchers, or to support equitable community oriented research.

Inclusion et équité numérique en recherche pour les étudiants chercheurs et chercheuses originaires d’Afrique subsaharienne et des Caraïbes de l’Université Laval (IENR-Afro-Ulaval)

By: Simplice-Eclador Nouboudem-Basso

Mentored by: Lessa Tchohou Fabrice

Keywords: Inclusion, Équité, Numérique, Étudiant, Afrique Subsaharienne, Caraïbes

En tant que champion de l’EDI, je vise à développer mes compétences pour favoriser la collaboration entre chercheurs et communautés diverses. Je souhaite approfondir ma compréhension des meilleures pratiques en matière d’accès ouvert aux données, afin de rendre la recherche accessible à tous. Enfin, je m’efforce d’explorer des approches innovantes pour engager activement les parties prenantes, garantissant ainsi que leurs voix soient intégrées dans le processus de recherche.

Exploring intersectionality and academic barriers

By: Amelia Danzinger

Mentored by: Malgorzata (Losia) Lagisz

Keywords: Microbiology, Analytical Chemistry

I want to better understand open science and want to ensure my research is accessible and inclusive to everyone. I am still learning about open science and hope to have a better understanding of my goals the more I learn.

Indigenous nation led data management, sharing knowledge on community concerns to community rightsholders, with a case study on algal blooms

By: Jonas Stadfeld

Mentored by: Malgorzata (Losia) Lagisz

Keywords: Microplastics, Microbial Ecology, Freshwater Microbiology, Plastisphere, Metagenomics.

I want to learn about data management plans and how data can be more accessible to community and collaborators. I would like to learn about was that community can be engaged in the science.

Empowering Communities: Research Data Management for Social Justice

By: Niloofar Hooman

Mentored by: Umut Pajaro Velasquez

Keywords: Digital Activism, Feminism, Digital Culture, Sexuality, Body, Social Media

As an EDI champion in research, my personal learning goals related to open science include deepening my understanding of best practices for data sharing and open access publishing, ensuring that these processes are accessible to all. I aim to develop skills in fostering inclusive collaboration, particularly in engaging underrepresented groups in research initiatives. Additionally, I want to learn more about the ethical considerations surrounding open science, particularly in relation to privacy and consent, to ensure that all participants feel respected and valued in the research process.

Strengthening Digital Research Infrastructure at Trillium Health Partners: Advancing Equitable Access for Racialized Researchers

By: Ijeoma Itanyi

Mentored by: Wapouo Fadanka Stephane

Keywords: Preventive Medicine, Epidemiologic, Statistical Methods, Implementation Science, Applied Machine Learning, Data Science, Non-Communicable Diseases, Health Systems Strengthening

As an EDI champion in the OLS cohort, I would like to improve my skills in using collaborative research platforms such as GitHub to enhance my collaboration with researchers in both developed and underdeveloped countries. I also aim to learn about open data sharing in repositories including how to prepare and manage such data while ensuring data privacy and security. In addition, I would like to improve my skill in the dissemination of research findings to non-academic audiences using media beyond journal articles such infographics, blog posts and policy briefs in plain language to facilitate their understanding and increase their potential for impact.

Footwear Science and Fall Prevention in Indigenous Population

By: Shaghayegh Chavoshian

Mentored by: Sabrina López

Keywords: Digital Health, Artificial Intelligence, Biomedical Engineering, Equity In Research

As an EDI champion in research, my personal learning goals related to open science include deepening my understanding of how to ethically balance transparency with privacy, especially when working with sensitive or culturally significant data. I aim to explore best practices for making research more accessible to diverse communities by improving the usability and inclusivity of open data platforms.

Fake News Detection in Social Media

By: Mohammad Alnabhan

Mentored by: Johanna Bayer

Keywords: Programming, Training, Teaching

As an EDI champion in research, my goal is to learn how to create more accessible and transparent research processes that encourage broader participation from underrepresented groups. I want to explore how open science can break down barriers to knowledge sharing, making it easier for diverse voices to contribute. I’m also focused on understanding the ethical considerations of open science, ensuring that data privacy is respected while promoting inclusivity.

Algorithmic Trading using Machine Learning Models

By: Ajitesh Parihar

Mentored by: Johanna Bayer

Keywords: Software Engineering, Inclusive Collaboration, Web Development, Database, Git/Github, Linux Administration

My goal is to achieve a deeper understanding practices for open science to increase equity in research access and participation. I want to learn about the tools and platforms that enable open research so that I can advocate for them and use them for my own research.

Empowering women researchers in STEM: Creating an inclusive and supportive environment to leverage Advanced Research Computing services

By: Nooshin Noshiri

Mentored by: Saranjeet Kaur Bhogal

Keywords: Machine Learning, Generative Models, Software Development, Computer Vision, Cuda Programming, Data Analysis, Deep Learning

As an EDI champion in research, my personal learning goals related to open science include fostering greater inclusivity by ensuring that research tools and knowledge are accessible to underrepresented groups in STEM, particularly women. I aim to develop strategies to bridge the gap between advanced technologies, like Digital Research Infrastructure (DRI), and marginalized researchers, particularly women and racialized groups. Additionally, I want to enhance my understanding of how open science can drive collaboration across diverse communities, ensuring equitable access to resources, and contribute to the advancement of research through transparent, inclusive practices

Equitable Sight: Co-Design Data Governance for CAN-VIEW with the Southern Chiefs’ Organization

By: Memoona Maah

Mentored by: Andre Piza

Keywords: Health Informatics, Data Governance, Indigenous Data Sovereignty, Vision Care, Diabetic Retinopathy, Research Data Management

My primary learning goal is to deepen my understanding of how open science can create equitable access to knowledge and resources, particularly for underserved communities. By sharing knowledge widely, we empower others and create a foundation for more informed, collaborative research. I aim to learn how to provide this platform for others, ensuring that my research is both accessible and useful to a broader audience, while fostering a culture of inclusion and transparency.

Advancing and Promoting Quantum Computing (Research) using Alliance DRI to Current and Future Quantum Scientists

By: Jaimie Greasley

Mentored by: Robert Giessmann

Keywords: Quantum Programming, Quantum Algorithms, Quantum Simulation, Applied Crystallography, Machine Learning, Optimization

I would like to get more familiar with the concepts of open science. In theory, open science should allow us to do science more effectively. However in the present day, there are practical limitations to implementing open science principles. Many entities must come together to play their part in facilitating an open and inclusive research process. I would like to know how these issues may be addressed at different levels, i.e. from researchers, academic institutions and industries, academic publishers, governments etc.

Expanding Knowledge of Digital Tools by Cree Researchers in Chisasibi

By: Vincent Comeau

Mentored by: Aman Goel

Keywords: Physics, Mathematics, General Relativity, Cosmology, Indigenous Education

As stated in my project proposal, I would like to learn more about data platforms and repositories used by researchers in Canada and worldwide. The Indigenous-led research center where I will be delivering workshops is located in a geographically isolated community. Hence, the most effective way for them to connect with the broader research community in Canada and worldwide is through digital platforms, which is why it is critically important that they learn about such platforms. I would also like to learn more about data management tools and software which can be used to organize and process data. For example, as part of the workshops, I would like to help the researchers write data management plans for their own research. Finally, although this is not specifically related to open science, I thought it might be worth mentioning that I will be learning R in the next couple of months. After discussing with members of the research center, we decided that the workshops should involve a brief introduction to programming using R. I am already quite familiar with Python, and have used it extensively as part of my research.

InDABA - Initiative pour le Développement, l’Accès et le Balisage des données de recherche noires / Inception of Data in Academia for Black Acknowledgement

By: Alex Alexis

Mentored by: Lessa Tchohou Fabrice

Keywords: Justice Épistémique, Science Ouverte, Savoirs Noirs, Savoirs Autochtones, Données Noires, Données Autochtones, Conflit Ontologique

Deux principales raisons m’incitent à travailler de manière ouverte et inclusive dans la recherche. D’abord, j’ai déjà eu par le passé l’impression que mes connaissances ou mes idées n’étaient pas suffisamment pris en compte. Depuis, j’essaie d’adopter des pratiques de travail exemplaires pour ne pas « infliger » la même impression à mes collègues. Ensuite, je suis tout à fait convaincu que travailler de manière ouverte et inclusive ouvre la voie à des réponses inattendues et à des solutions innovantes et légitimes, même si le processus peut parfois être long.

Bridging Gaps in Research Computing for Canadian Persian-speaking Immigrants

By: Mona Parizadeh

Mentored by: Derek Moore

Keywords: Bioinformatics, R, Bash, Mircobial Ecology, Meta-Omics, Biostatistics, Network Analysis

As an EDI champion in research, my learning goals related to open science include enhancing equitable access to knowledge while ensuring data security, especially in sensitive fields like bioinformatics. Committed to open-source science, I have made my analysis scripts available on GitHub and shared key datasets in public repositories. I also assist underrepresented communities in overcoming access barriers. In 2023, I founded the ICOIA online school, offering free scientific courses to Persian-speaking students and addressing educational inequalities caused by political instability and isolation. I aim to foster greater inclusivity and collaboration in global research networks through these initiatives and publishing open-source articles.

No Boundaries -Accessible Digital Research Spaces for Black Female Scholars in Social Science Research

By: Chika Maduakolam

Mentored by: Godwyns Onwuchekwa

Keywords: Gender, Violence, Qualitative Research, Social Science Research, Law, Human Rights

As an EDI champion, my personal learning goals involve the effective use of the Digital Research Alliance’s resources to improve my research. A main objective for me is to model the impact of relevant training to develop skills needed in collating, organizing, and analyzing big datasets and supporting the best practices in data management and storage. I am leveraging this opportunity to develop and encourage capacity-building for young Black female scholars in the social science field towards enhancing our potential to contribute to academia and policy.

Enabling access to LLMs using compression methods and understanding its potential impact on the algorithmic bias

By: Mohammed Adnan

Mentored by: Isil Poyraz Bilgin

Keywords: Machine Learning, Ai, Efficient Ml

Contribute to the machine learning community and help investigate the biases of LLM towards minority sub-population groups.

Bridging the Digital Divide: Bringing DRI to Remote and Underserved Communities

By: Wesley Sanchez

Mentored by: Umut Pajaro Velasquez

Keywords: Quantum Chemistry, Software Development

As an EDI champion, my personal learning goals related to open science focus on understanding open access principles and their impact on research dissemination. I aim to learn effective methods for fostering equitable collaboration and creating supportive environments for diverse voices. Additionally, I want to enhance my skills in data management and sharing to contribute to a more inclusive research ecosystem. I also seek to explore how collaborative platforms and open-source tools, can facilitate open science and promote transparency. By keeping up with emerging trends, I can adapt my practices to better support diverse researchers. Ultimately, I aspire to leverage this knowledge to advocate for policies that foster inclusive environments, paving the way for innovative ideas to emerge from a collaborative scientific community.

Leveraging AI in Object Detection and Functional Assessments in Navigating Physical Barriers from Campus Buildings and Public Spaces: A Pilot Study for Students

with Physical Disabilities at the University of Alberta {#leveraging-ai-in-object-detection-and-functional-assessments-in-navigating-physical-barriers-from-campus-buildings-and-public-spaces-a-pilot-study-for-students-with-physical-disabilities-at-the-university-of-alberta}

By: Arne Andres

Mentored by: Jez Cope

Keywords: Ai, Object Detection, Deep Learning Algorithms, Signal/Parallel Processing,, Applications In Neurorehabilitation.

To continue research studies in leveraging AI for disability studies, intersectionality, accessible public spaces, and medical imaging.

An investigation of local genetic adaptations to malaria in indigenous Ethiopian and Sudanese populations

By: Arra Oman

Mentored by: Gladys Rotich

Keywords: Local Adaptation, Biological Anthropology, Population Genetics, Selection, Human-Environment Interactions

I want to improve my knowledge and use of GitHub and the tools associated with it, and I want to improve my computational practices overall so that my code is more readable and understandable to others.

Saturday Sessions - Scientific Computing Workshops for Equity-Seeking Students

By: Ugo Nwosu

Mentored by: Alexia Cardona

Keywords: Computational Chemistry, Materials Science, Electrochemistry

I would like to learn more about the tenets of open science. I would also like to learn more about improving the efficacy of my efforts to promote open science.

Roadmap to Bill C-226: Understanding the advocacy journey behind Canada’s inaugural environmental justice bill

By: Lulwama Mulalu

Mentored by: Carolina Natel De Moura

Keywords: Critical Global Health, Climate Coloniallism, Climate Justice, Climate Sacrifice Zones, Planetary Health, Postcolonial Reparative Action, Neocolonialism

As a researcher from an equity-seeking group, access to these DRI trainings and research services would support the critical development of my research skills throughout the data and research lifecycles. This can help counter unequal access to knowledge production, forms of epistemic violence and unequal academic-publishing landscapes due to under-representation and discriminatory research practices in the social sciences and humanities.

Building the Knowledge Infrastructure for Mental Health Scientists from Diverse Backgrounds to Access Alliance Digital Research Infrastructure

By: Lojain Hamwi

Mentored by: Arianna Zuanazzi

Keywords: Infant Pain Assessment; Machine Learning; Clinical Neuropsychology

My learning goals include gaining a deeper understanding of how open science practices can be integrated into mental health research, especially in ways that benefit equity-seeking groups. I also aim to refine my skills in using digital tools to ensure that the research outputs I contribute to are accessible and inclusive. By fostering a more collaborative and transparent research environment, I hope to set a precedent for future mental health studies.

Bridging the Gap: Enhancing Awareness and Access to Big Data Tools for Underrepresented Women in Educational Psychology

By: Nadia Khalili

Mentored by: Arianna Zuanazzi

Keywords: Socio-Emotional & Cognitive Development, Complex Statistical Analysis\nCross-Cultural/, Longitudinal Research Design, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion (Edi), Leadership, Educational Program Development, Emerging Adolescents Development

The first step is to increase awareness among myself and my colleagues. I would then like to launch and develop a project to openly share and expand it, applying open science principles in our department, specifically among underrepresented women

Digital Research Infrastructure (DRI) and AI for First-Generation Students (FGS) Development

By: Kook Hu

Mentored by: Alexandra Araujo Alvarez

Keywords: Ai Literacy, Digital Divide, First-In-Family University Students, Mindfulness, International Development

My learning goals include developing strategies to seamlessly integrate open science practices into my research work, specifically by creating more inclusive training and outreach materials for FGS students. I hope to learn practical ways to engage students in open science discussions and to utilize open resources to enhance their research capabilities. Additionally, I want to explore effective ways to measure and communicate the value of open science practices to ensure continued support and expansion of these initiatives.

Catalyzing Open Science: Validating novel paths to democratizing better open tools with an interactive grassroots community-driven approach within stroke rehabilitation

By: Eden Redman

Mentored by: Umar Farouk Ahmad

Keywords: Neuroscience, Stroke, Education, Community, Innovation

  1. To learn to more effectively create and disseminate tools that will encourage a much broader range of populations to join in on different stages of innovation, that are needed to stabilize our economy and civilization. Reaching beyond just purely academic circles to meaningfully bring into the fold non-academic innovators, enthusiast groups, and learners, and to do so around emerging technologies through dismantling the walls between disciplines in a conscientious fashion (not with a postmodern deconstructionist lens, but in grounded in objective, scientific, and functionally repeatable fashion, that yield a substantive increase in the volume and quality of innovations that can be commercialized).
  2. To learn to more effectively rally and interconnect industry and government entities in recognizing the need for, then the acceptance, funding, and incorporation of domain disrupting open source tools.

Inclusive DRI Training Program to develop skills for Sustainable Construction

By: Fatima Mariana Ramirez Rodriguez

Mentored by: Laura Carter

Keywords: Mechatronics, Mechanical Design, Electronics Design, Programming, Automation, Multidisciplinary Problem Solving

My personal learning goals related to open science include deepening my understanding of open data practices and the use of open-source software and tools to promote reproducible science. I aim to improve my skills with online collaboration platforms to facilitate interdisciplinary work and learn about altmetrics to better assess research impact beyond traditional metrics. Also, I want to explore interoperability and data standards for efficient data sharing, improve my abilities in open scientific communication, and understand funding and sustainability models for open projects. I’m also interested in learning about automation tools and workflow management to increase research efficiency, as well as learning how to identify and mitigate biases in research through effective data management strategies.

Interdisciplinary intersectionality and DRI : EDIA in data-intensive methodologies

By: Fatou Bah

Mentored by: Silvia Di Giorgio

Keywords: Accessibility, Neurodiversity, Open Science, Information Retrieval, User Experience, Digital Humanities

My goal is to learn more about open science in the context of sensitive data. I also want to learn more about frameworks, tools, and methods to make science open and accessible.

Accelerated computing for women, racialized groups, and students from underprivileged

countries {#accelerated-computing-for-women-racialized-groups-and-students-from-underprivileged-countries}

By: Mirta Dumancic

Mentored by: Aman Goel

Keywords: Nuclear Physics, Radiotherapy, Radiobiology, Particle Physics, Track Structure

My personal learning goals: how can I implement Open Science more in my projects, what is the scope and the vision of open science for the next 5-10 years?


The GitHub avatar of

Adekola Adeyemi


Openfoam, Cad, Python, Linux, Cfd, Nax, Latex, Hpc, Ansys,

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The GitHub avatar of

Mohammed Adnan


Machine learning, Ai, Efficient ml

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The GitHub avatar of

Ahlam Zidan

Pronouns: She/Her

Rehabilitation, Child development, Researcher

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The GitHub avatar of

Arra Oman

Pronouns: She/her

Local adaptation, Biological anthropology, Population genetics, Selection, Human-environment interactions

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The GitHub avatar of

Ajitesh Parihar

Pronouns: He/They

Software engineering, Inclusive collaboration, Web development, Database, Git/github, Linux administration

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The GitHub avatar of

Alex Alexis

Pronouns: Il/lui

Justice épistémique, Science ouverte, Savoirs noirs, Savoirs autochtones, Données noires, Données autochtones, Conflit ontologique
The GitHub avatar of

Alexander De Furia

Pronouns: he/him

Machine learning, Class imbalance, Artificial intelligence

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The GitHub avatar of

Alix Shield

Pronouns: she/her

Digital humanities, Indigenous studies, Indigenous literatures, Archival research

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The GitHub avatar of

Amelia Danzinger

Pronouns: she/her

Microbiology, Analytical chemistry

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The GitHub avatar of

Ameer Nizami

Pronouns: He/Him

Batteries, Nanomaterials, Artificial intelligence, Density functional theory, Computational chemistry

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The GitHub avatar of

Amy Kim

Pronouns: she/her

Invasive species, Genetics, Ecology, Evolution, Teaching pedagogy

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The GitHub avatar of

Anemily Machina

Pronouns: She/Her

Machine learning, Natural language processing, Generative ai, Explainable ai,

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The GitHub avatar of

Angelica Miraples

Pronouns: She/Her

Plant, Molecular, Cellular biology, Microbiome, R studio, Command line, High throughput sequencing data processing

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The GitHub avatar of

Arash Asgari

Pronouns: He/Him

Ai fairness, Large language models, Multi-modal models, De-biasing ai models, Parameter efficient fine-tuning of ai models.

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The GitHub avatar of

Azam Dashti Khavidaki

Pronouns: She/He/Elle

Qualitative researcher specializing in child's agency et ethics, Refugee researcher, Digital media, Technology researcher, Fellow at participatory cultures lab

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The GitHub avatar of

Arne Andres

Pronouns: He/him

Ai, Object detection, Deep learning algorithms, Signal/parallel processing,, Applications in neurorehabilitation.

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Mathematical modelling, Epidemiology, Control, Data-science, Education, Scientific outreach

More about Clotilde

The GitHub avatar of

Chiedozie Alumona

Pronouns: he/him

Quantitative research, Statistics, Teaching, Systematic review, Meta-analysis, Qualitative research

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The GitHub avatar of

Chika Maduakolam

Pronouns: she/her

Gender, Violence, Qualitative research, Social science research, Law, Human rights

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The GitHub avatar of

Sebastian D'Amario

Pronouns: He/Him

Kinarm, Sensorimotor, Behaviour, Motor learning, Motor adaptation, Traumatic brain injury

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The GitHub avatar of

Elham Reyhanianmotehaver

Pronouns: she/her

Signal processing, Machine learning, Cerebral palsy

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The GitHub avatar of

Emilie Storer

Pronouns: she/her

Data analysis, Cosmology

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The GitHub avatar of

Eunice Tunggal

Pronouns: She/her

Qualitative, Digital, Health equity, Disability, Women, Girls

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The GitHub avatar of

Eden Redman


Neuroscience, Stroke, Education, Community, Innovation

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The GitHub avatar of

Fanwang Meng

Pronouns: He/She

Computational drug discovery, Software development, Machine learning, Open science

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The GitHub avatar of

Fatima Mariana Ramirez Rodriguez

Pronouns: She/her

Mechatronics, Mechanical design, Electronics design, Programming, Automation, Multidisciplinary problem solving

More about Fatima Mariana

Mal/mis/disinformation, Black digital humanities, Critical discourse analysis, Digital afrocentrism, Humanistic prompt engineering, Computational social sciences, Corpus linguistics

More about Frank

The GitHub avatar of

Francois Gonothi Toure

Pronouns: He/Him/His

Robotics, Iot, Computer vision, Reinforcement learning, Internet of things, High-performance computing

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The GitHub avatar of

Hamza Hanif

Particle physics, Physics, Python, Data analysis, Coding

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The GitHub avatar of

Islam Matar

Pronouns: he/him/his

Molecular-modelling, Drug-discovery, Entrepreneurship

More about Islam

The GitHub avatar of

Ijeoma Itanyi

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

Preventive medicine, Epidemiologic, Statistical methods, Implementation science, Applied machine learning, Data science, Non-communicable diseases, Health systems strengthening

More about Ijeoma

The GitHub avatar of

Jaimie Greasley


Quantum programming, Quantum algorithms, Quantum simulation, Applied crystallography, Machine learning, Optimization

More about Jaimie

Food & agricultural law, Racial justice, Gender, Socio-legal research, Law, Global south perspectives

More about Jane

The GitHub avatar of

Jackie Girgis

Pronouns: She/her

Machine learning, Interpersonal connection, Emotion, Music

More about Jackie

The GitHub avatar of

Jonas Stadfeld

Pronouns: He/him

Microplastics, Microbial ecology, Freshwater microbiology, Plastisphere, Metagenomics.

More about Jonas

The GitHub avatar of

Kwaku Ayisi

Pronouns: He/Him

Research, Analysis, Policy development, Teaching

More about Kwaku

The GitHub avatar of

Tasneem Khan

Pronouns: She/Her

Social, Mental health equity, Semi-structured interviews, Statistics canada, Community based survey analysis, Edia, Intersectionality frameworks, Culturally adapted mental health interventions

More about Tasneem

Indigenous health, Medical learner, Engineering, Privacy, Information protection, Qualitative research, Teaching, Mentoring

More about Kim

The GitHub avatar of

Kook Hu

Pronouns: He

Ai literacy, Digital divide, First-in-family university students, Mindfulness, International development

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The GitHub avatar of

Kaitlyn Wade

Pronouns: she/her

Bioinformatics, Health data science, Deep learning, Statistical genetics, Inclusive ai, Explainable ai

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The GitHub avatar of

Lanna Emilli Barbosa Lucchetti

Pronouns: she/her

Computational simulations, Density functional theory, Molecular dynamics, Data science, Electrochemistry, Teaching, Learning

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The GitHub avatar of

Laura Carolina Camelo Valera

Pronouns: she/her

Metagenomics, Computational biology, Science education, Inclusive learning techniques

More about Laura Carolina

The GitHub avatar of

Letícia Magpali Moura Estevão


Evolution, Genomics, Genotype-phenotype, Bioinformatics, Cetaceans, Bioacoustics, Echolocation

More about Letícia

The GitHub avatar of

Linda Okpanachi

Pronouns: She/Her

Machine learning, Natural language processing, Data science, Software development

More about Linda

The GitHub avatar of

Olivia (Liv) Abram

Pronouns: she/her

Indigenous literatures; indigenous comics; indigenous methodologies; literary criticism; collaboration; community research;

More about Olivia (Liv)

The GitHub avatar of

Lojain Hamwi

Pronouns: She/her

Infant pain assessment; machine learning; clinical neuropsychology

More about Lojain

The GitHub avatar of

Lulwama Mulalu

Pronouns: She/Her

Critical global health, Climate coloniallism, Climate justice, Climate sacrifice zones, Planetary health, Postcolonial reparative action, Neocolonialism

More about Lulwama

The GitHub avatar of

Kelly Davison

Pronouns: he/him

Ehr standards, Terminology standards, Health equity, Snomed ct, Nursing, Decolonizing

More about Kelly

The GitHub avatar of

Mirta Dumancic

Pronouns: She/Her

Nuclear physics, Radiotherapy, Radiobiology, Particle physics, Track structure

More about Mirta

The GitHub avatar of

Meghana Munipalle

Pronouns: she/her

Computational biology, Molecular modelling, Biophysics, Data science, Science communication

More about Meghana

Habitat management, Gis, Remote sensing

More about Moses

The GitHub avatar of

Mona Parizadeh

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

Bioinformatics, R, Bash, Mircobial ecology, Meta-omics, Biostatistics, Network analysis

More about Mona

The GitHub avatar of

Memoona Maah

Pronouns: she/her

Health informatics, Data governance, Indigenous data sovereignty, Vision care, Diabetic retinopathy, Research data management

More about Memoona

The GitHub avatar of

Mark Louie Lopez

Pronouns: he/him

Environmental monitoring, Freshwater biology, Environmental dna, Paleolimnology

More about Mark Louie

The GitHub avatar of

Mohammad Alnabhan

Pronouns: He/Him

Programming, Training, Teaching

More about Mohammad

The GitHub avatar of

Tiara Mulder

Pronouns: she/her

Drosophila melanogaster, Muscle repair, Cell, Molecular biology, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, Accessibility (EDIA), Scientific outreach, Advocacy, Science communication

More about Tiara

The GitHub avatar of

Musanna Galib

Pronouns: He/Him

Phase field modeling,density functional theory,machine learning,material science,solid mechanics

More about Musanna

The GitHub avatar of

Nooshin Noshiri

Pronouns: She/her

Machine learning, Generative models, Software development, Computer vision, Cuda programming, Data analysis, Deep learning

More about Nooshin

The GitHub avatar of

Nadia Khalili

Pronouns: She/her

Socio-emotional & cognitive development, Complex statistical analysis, Cross-cultural/longitudinal research design, Eequity, Diversity, Inclusion (edi) leadership, Educational program development, Emerging adolescents development

More about Nadia

The GitHub avatar of

Nathan Woods

Pronouns: He/Him/His

Organizations, Sociotechnical systems, Research policy, Governance, Actionable knowledge

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The GitHub avatar of

Niloofar Hooman

Pronouns: she/her

Digital activism, Feminism, Digital culture, Sexuality, Body, Social media

More about Niloofar

The GitHub avatar of

Nishith Mishra

Education, Educational approaches, International space law, Policy, Regulation of artificial intelligence systems – especially in outer space activities, International relations, Sustainable development agendas, Policies

More about Nishith

The GitHub avatar of

Ria Arora

Pronouns: She/her

Community building, Knowledge sharing, Discord server, EDIA champions, DRI knowledge, community forums, Digital knowledge exchange

More about Ria

The GitHub avatar of

Renée Hall

Pronouns: she/her

Earth system modelling, Terrestrial biosphere modelling, Biogeochemical cycles, Wildfire emissions

More about Renée

The GitHub avatar of

Wesley Sanchez

Quantum chemistry, Software development

More about Wesley

Semantic communication, 6g networks, Resource optimization, Wireless networks, Ai awareness, Equity, Inclusion, Digital research infrastructure

More about Sana

The GitHub avatar of

Shaghayegh Chavoshian

Pronouns: She/her

Digital health, Artificial intelligence, Biomedical engineering, Equity in research

More about Shaghayegh

The GitHub avatar of

Simplice-Eclador Nouboudem-Basso

Pronouns: il/lui

Inclusion, Équité, Numérique, Étudiant, Afrique subsaharienne, Caraïbes

More about Simplice-Eclador

The GitHub avatar of

Shayan Novin

Pronouns: he/him/his

Hiv prevention, Narrative medicine, Translational research

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The GitHub avatar of

Soorena Azarhazin

Pronouns: He/Him

Computational fluid dynamics (cfd), Numerical simulation of thermo-fluids processes, Flow control

More about Soorena

The GitHub avatar of

Stacey Koornneef

Pronouns: She/Her

Computer science education, Computational thinking, Educational games, Primary school educational tools, Cost accessibility

More about Stacey

The GitHub avatar of

Steve Tu

Pronouns: he/him

Philosophy of higher education, Multispecies ethnography, Student mental health

More about Steve

The GitHub avatar of

Sudhi Sharma Padillath Vasudevan

Pronouns: He/Him

Machine learning, High performance computing, Uncertainty quantification, Bayesian inference, Computational modelling for partial differential equations, Scalable solver development

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The GitHub avatar of

Oluwatoyin Aladejebi

Quantitative research, Qualitative research, Data collection, Data management

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The GitHub avatar of

Fatou Bah

Pronouns: She/Her

Accessibility, Neurodiversity, Open science, Information retrieval, User experience, Digital humanities

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The GitHub avatar of

Ugo Nwosu

Pronouns: He/him

Computational chemistry, Materials science, Electrochemistry

More about Ugo

Physics, Mathematics, General relativity, Cosmology, Indigenous education

More about Vincent

The GitHub avatar of

Vrinda Gupta

Pronouns: she/her

Biochemistry, Molecular biology, Multiplex imaging,

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The GitHub avatar of

Yuwei Cao

Remote sensing, Forestry, Deep learning, 3d modeling, Gis

More about Yuwei