Meet our 8th Open Seeds cohort of project leads and their mentors

- Bérénice, Malvika, Yo, Emmy, Paz

Markus Spiske (CC-BY)

We are excited to kick-off the new round of Open Seeds with another incredible cohort of mentors, mentees, and experts. We are honored to bring together members of diverse identities and backgrounds who represent expertise from different domains of research, who are working to address a wide range of relevant questions in their field and are motivated to bring a culture change in their areas. Many of them are long-standing Open Scientists who aim to use this opportunity to apply open science and community-based principles in their projects through this program.

We are thrilled to announce that 69 members, who are the project leads of 29 diverse projects, have joined the 9th cohort of the Open Life Science mentoring program - OLS-9!

This cohort is a joined effort between OLS and 3 international organisations and communities:

Meet our mentees!

The mentees joining this program are Alette Schoon, Amber Koert, Antonis Koutsoumpis, Arianna Zuanazzi, Bo Wang, Cibele Zolnier Sousa do Nascimento, Daniel Adediran, Daniela Risaro, Derek Moore, Diana Karan, Dozie Onunkwo, Dustin Schetters, Eduarda Centeno, Elena Beretta, Elisa Rodenburg, Fatma Mohamed Omar, Hans Ket, Henk Wierenga, Henri-Count Evans, Iván Gabriel Poggio, Jacek Buczny, Jessica Hrudey, Jolien Scholten, Joseph Chimere Onwumere, Julián Buede, Kit Lewers, Koen Leuveld, Konrad Kording, Laura Ascenzi, Lena Karvovskaya, Loreley Lago, Lucas Breedt, Lucy Killoran, Mar Barrantes Cepas, Marlou Ramaekers, Matthijs de Zwaan, Maximillian Paulus, Melissa Black, Michael Kitoi, Milagro Urricariet, Miyase Tekpinar, Mmasibidi Setaka, Mona Zimmermann, Monica Alonso, Monsurat Onabajo, Nadza Dzinalija, Nanje Patrick Itarngoh, Nicolás Lois, Nicolás Palopoli, Niels Reijner, Nwakaego Gloria Ashiegbu, Olufemi Adesope, Paola Andrea Lefer, Pauline Wambui Gachanja, Paz Míguez, Reinout de Vries, Robert Giessmann, Romina Pendino, Romina Trinchin, Roné Wierenga, Ruben Lacroix, Teddy Groves, Tori Gijzen, Trevor Hamlin, Vasiliki Kentrou, Virginia Andrea García Alonso, Wendy Andrews, Yan-Kay Ho, Yuman Hordijk. These individuals are based in 14 countries (Argentina, Brazil, Cameroon, Denmark, Eswatini, Germany, Kenya, Netherlands, Nigeria, South Africa, Spain, United Kingdom, United States, Uruguay) where they will be leading their respective projects.

Topics for their projects include AI, Accessibility, Activation Strain Model, Africa, African Academic Resources, Agricultural Methods, América Latina, Archaeology, Art, Bacterial Diversity, Big Data, Bioinformatics, Biomedical, Bionformatics, Biotechnology, Bonding Mechanism, Breast Cancer, Business Administration, Capacity Building, Chemistry, Ciencia Abierta, Citations, Climate Change, Clinical Research, Coconut, Codeathon, Cohortes Virtuales, Collaboration, Community, Community Building, Complex Systems, Computational Archaeology, Computer Vision, Comunidad, Construcción De Capacidades, Corpora, Corporate Social Responsibility, Data Science, Data Sharing, Data Visualisation, Database, Density Functional Calculations, Dictionaries, Digital Inequality, Disease Misdiagnosis, Dna Collections, E-Learning, Economics, Educational Resource Production, Enseñanza, Enzymes, Equality, Ethics, FAIR, Face Recognition, Fiji, Fluctuation, Formalización, Gender, Gene Expression, Geospatial, Github, Gobernanza, Governance, Grid Integration, Handbook, Hci, Healthcare, Heritage Management, Human Computer Interaction, Identity, Impostor Feelings, Impostor Phenomenon, Impostor Syndrome, Industries, Information Overload, Information Theory, Innovation, Landscape, Landscape Analysis, Latin America, Learners, Machine Learning, Mapping, Marine Sciences, Media Studies, Mental Health, Meta-Analysis, Microscopy, Mirada Local, Mitigation, Molecular Diagnostics Toolkits, Mother Tongue Education, Multilingualism, Mutation, Mutli-Agent Systems, Natural Language Processing, Network Analysis, Networks, Neuroscience, Next-Generation Sequencing, Non-Binary, Online Study, Open Access, Open Bioeconomy, Open Communities, Open Data, Open Education Practices, Open Education Resources, Open Enzymes, Open Repository, Open Scholarly Data, Open Science, Open Source, Open source, Openmta, Organization Science, Outreach, Participación, Philanthropy, Professional Learning, Quality Improvement, Raw Images, Rdm, Reaction Mechanism, Repository, Reproducibility, Research, Research Methods, Resource, Sciart, Science, Science Of Science, Scientific Rigor, Scientometrics, Scraping, Sesotho, Short Courses, Social Media Studies, Societal Impact, Sofi, Software, Stability Analysis, Statistical Mechanics, Super-Resolution, Survey Data, Surveys, Sustainability, Swing Equation, Synthetic Biology Toolkits, Technology, Template, Thermodynamics, Training and Education, Training and education, Transparencia, Visualisation, Wind Power, Word Addition, Word Removal, Young Researchers, Znf Proteins.

Meet our mentors!

Our project leads (aka mentees) have been paired with 1 or 2 mentors based on their specific requirements of expertise and interests along with time zones and language preferences. Our mentors are Open Science champions with previous experiences in training, mentoring, computing, and community skills. They are currently working in different professions in data science, education, citizen science, publishing, community building, software development, clinical studies, industries, scientific training, policymaking, IT services, and so on.

Additionally, we have an incredible experts’ community who will be delivering specialised talks during the cohort calls and will be available for our project leads for expert consultations upon request.

We welcome our 38 mentors, Alexander Martinez Mendez, Andres Sebastian Ayala Ruano, Arielle Bennett, Bethan Iley, Bjørn Peare Bartholdy, Diana Pilvar, Diego Onna, Elisee Jafsia, Fotis Psomopoulos, Gemma Turon Rodrigo, Gladys Rotich, Harini Lakshminarayanan, Irene Ramos, Irene Vazano, Jesica Formoso, Jose Luis Villca Villegas, Joyce Kao, Laura Carter, Laurah Nyasita Ondari, Mallory Freeberg, Mariela Rajngewerc, Nadine Spychala, Nicky Nicolson, Nicolás Palopoli, Nina Trubanová, Patricia Loto, Pauline Karega, Pradeep Eranti, Riva Quiroga, Sara El-Gebali, Sara Villa, Saranjeet Kaur Bhogal, Siobhan Mackenzie Hall, Tajuddeen Gwadabe, Umar Farouk Ahmad, Umut Pajaro Velasquez, Verónica Xhardez, Wapouo Fadanka Stephane, based in 21 countries (Argentina, Bolivia, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chile, Colombia, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, India, Ireland, Kenya, Mexico, Netherlands, Nigeria, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States). 11 of them were participants and 15 mentors in the previous cohort (OLS-8).

We are extremely grateful to them for their support and contributions to OLS and their impactful work in other open communities. They are committed to supporting their mentees in this program to help create a more open and fair-research, knowledge-sharing and inclusive culture within life science and beyond.

The Program

We begin our program 2 weeks ago with a mentoring training call and mentor-mentee introductions. Check out the complete schedule and plans for OLS-8 here: /openseeds/ols-8/schedule.html.

You can keep track of our program, the progress of our second cohort and future announcements by following our twitter profile @openlifesci or subscribe to our announcements list.

We invite new contributions to the program as a new issue on the GitHub repo or by email to the team.

Once again, let’s welcome our mentors, mentees and experts to this program!

Project details (click here for full description)

Project Project leaders Mentors Collaboration
PyOrb 1.0 – Automated Analysis Tool for Orbital Interactions Tori Gijzen, Yuman Hordijk, Trevor Hamlin Nadine Spychala VU Amsterdam
Understanding Natural History Organizational Structures, Data Sharing, and Coordination through Biodiversity Informatics and Biocollections Kit Lewers Nicky Nicolson, Laura Carter  
Molerhealth Monsurat Onabajo Mallory Freeberg  
Bioinformatics and Health Data Science Internship Daniel Adediran Pauline Karega  
An Open Handbook and MOOC on Computational Methods for African Media Researchers Alette Schoon, Henri-Count Evans Sara El-Gebali Africa-OLS
dr Konrad Kording Fotis Psomopoulos  
Digitalization for sustainable Agricultural practices and climate change mitigation Nwakaego Gloria Ashiegbu, Olufemi Adesope, Joseph Chimere Onwumere, Dozie Onunkwo Umar Farouk Ahmad, Irene Ramos  
Wind Power System Stability Analysis for Grid Integration: A Statistical Mechanics Approach to the Swing Equation. Nanje Patrick Itarngoh Umar Farouk Ahmad  
Is my research used in clinical trials? - Tool(s) to assess societal impact using open scholarly data Maximillian Paulus, Ruben Lacroix, Matthijs de Zwaan Andres Sebastian Ayala Ruano VU Amsterdam
Assessing the Zinc Finger Protein Mutation and Expression Profile in Kenyan Women with Breast Cancer Michael Kitoi Wapouo Fadanka Stephane Africa-OLS
openTECR - an open database on thermodynamics of enzyme-catalyzed reactions Robert Giessmann, Teddy Groves Nicolás Palopoli  
The Open Umbrella & Hybrid Learning Field Guide Derek Moore Harini Lakshminarayanan Africa-OLS
Bioinformatics codeathon Pauline Wambui Gachanja, Diana Karan Laurah Nyasita Ondari, Pradeep Eranti Africa-OLS
Making corporate social responsibility data available and accessible for other researchers Marlou Ramaekers Diana Pilvar, Gladys Rotich VU Amsterdam
Gender Differences in the Impostor Phenomenon: A Preregistered and Open-Science Meta-Analysis Bo Wang, Jacek Buczny, Wendy Andrews, Hans Ket, Reinout de Vries Umut Pajaro Velasquez, Nina Trubanová VU Amsterdam
Creating an online repository for open collaboration in psychology Vasiliki Kentrou, Antonis Koutsoumpis, Bo Wang Irene Vazano, Jesica Formoso, Patricia Loto VU Amsterdam
JICMar Network: towards better opportunities and greater collaboration among young marine science researchers in Latin America Romina Trinchin, Nicolás Lois, Virginia Andrea García Alonso, Milagro Urricariet, Daniela Risaro, Loreley Lago Jose Luis Villca Villegas, Alexander Martinez Mendez  
UbuntuEdu (Concept title) Roné Wierenga, Henk Wierenga Tajuddeen Gwadabe, Joyce Kao Africa-OLS
Building a Searchable Open Data Repository of DNA Collections that are Freely-Shared under OpenMTA, with an Associated Landscape Map Visualisation of the Collection Users Yan-Kay Ho, Cibele Zolnier Sousa do Nascimento Sara Villa, Mariela Rajngewerc  
Developing an Open Community Repository for SciArt Arianna Zuanazzi Saranjeet Kaur Bhogal  
Assessing word stability in Corpora and its influence on learner dictionaries Mmasibidi Setaka Riva Quiroga Africa-OLS
A Fiji plugin for SOFI analysis Miyase Tekpinar Diego Onna  
The invisible society: Misgendering in Facial Recognition Systems: Elena Beretta Bethan Iley VU Amsterdam
Identification and Prediction of Bacterial Pathogens Colonizing Yellowing Disease in Coastal Kenyan Coconuts: A Machine Learning Approach Fatma Mohamed Omar Elisee Jafsia OLS-Africa
Open-source handbooks infrastructure at VU Amsterdam Lena Karvovskaya, Jolien Scholten, Koen Leuveld, Elisa Rodenburg, Jessica Hrudey Arielle Bennett VU Amsterdam
An online repository of tools and methods for automated archaeological survey Lucy Killoran Bjørn Peare Bartholdy  
Open Science in Neuroscience: A Practical Guide for Researchers Amber Koert, Niels Reijner, Mar Barrantes Cepas, Eduarda Centeno, Dustin Schetters, Lucas Breedt, Nadza Dzinalija, Mona Zimmermann Siobhan Mackenzie Hall VU Amsterdam
Estructura e infraestructura para la formación por cohortes virtuales Nicolás Palopoli, Monica Alonso, Julián Buede, Melissa Black, Paz Míguez Gemma Turon Rodrigo MetaDocencia
Gobernanza 2.0 de MetaDocencia Romina Pendino, Iván Gabriel Poggio, Paola Andrea Lefer, Laura Ascenzi Verónica Xhardez MetaDocencia

We wish our cohort members all the best as they begin this journey with us.